Aalto Biofilia: A journey into the biological arts

Aalto University (FI)

Biofilia is a technical facility at Aalto University for studies in the biological arts as a fast-emerging area of interest that fits succinctly with STEAM approaches in artistic practice. It adopts transdisciplinary knowledge sharing to research and curriculum development to explore the intersection between biosciences, engineering and the arts. 

The lab was originally placed at the school arts, bringing tools and processes – normally used in engineering and modern biotechnology – as mediums for artistic research and question specific themes of biological processes, biohacking and the manipulation of life (of organic matter and organisms). These complex themes are explored at a practical and theoretical level through educational modules and short courses for students in the faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture, doctorate students and researchers-in-residence.

Biological arts projects are run beyond the remit of the biofilia lab, and the activities are carried out in natural environments to further enhance knowledge of biological arts applied to real ecologies and opens out the conversation for the value of artistic practice with scientific processes.

Project Credits / Acknowledgements

Helena Sederholm, associate professor of art education
This project is included within the framework of STEAM INC that has been funded with the support of the European Union and the Erasmus+ Programme.