Uncertainty and Ecology

Ars Electronica Barcelona Garden Show


The show will present the most recent productions and acquisitions of .BEEP {collection;}: the historical works Das tangible Bild and The Endless Sandwich both by Peter Weibel and Vestibular_1 by Albert Barqué-Duran & Marc Marzenit. Three brand new works will also be exhibited, produced thanks to grants awarded to Mónica Rikić by New Home of Mind, Roc Parés by Doble Consciència and Santi Vilanova (Playmodes) by Forms. The three projects have been selected through a public call of the Institut Ramon Llull, NewArtFoundation and Hangar.

Project Credits / Acknowledgements

Mónica Rikić monicarikic.com
Roc Parés roc-pares.net
Santi Vilanova (Playmodes) www.playmodes.com
Albert Barqué-Duran & Marc Marzenit albertbarque.com/vestibular_1
Peter Weibel www.peter-weibel.at
.BEEP { collection;} www.beepcollection.art