Our Spaceship Garden

This year, we join Ars Electronica In Kepler's garden online program, a collective effort among the global to reconnect. We created a digital spaceship to share the diverse portfolio from the initiative. Audiences are invited to immerse themselves in this digital world, walk around and encounter each other.

Digital Exhibition Sojourner 2020 – A conversation among all artists

Through the ages, artists, writers, and filmmakers have been inspired by space. Their visionary depictions of space as an environment for people have influenced the scientific and engineering feats we know so well today. How will artists continue to inspire the future of space exploration? What are the opportunities and challenges in the creation of art for our interplanetary futures?

Digital Exhibition: Sojourner 2020

In 2019, the Space Exploration Initiative announced an open call to invite artists to submit artworks for an exciting ISS launch opportunity. After three rounds of reviews, nine groups of artists are selected to be on board Sojourner2020, an international art payload. For this year's Ars Electronica In Kepler’s garden online program, we created a digital spaceship to share the diverse portfolio from the initiative. Audiences are invited to immerse themselves in this digital world, walk around and encounter each other.

A new moon landing
Mehak Sarang

We are going to the moon again, and this time, to stay. But how should we do it this time and do it right?

Interplanetary Time, Communication, and Longevity
Che-wei Wang, Sands Fish

When distance is measured by light years, how do we learn from the past and make decisions for the future?

Wellbeing in Extreme Environment
Maggie Coblentz

How do we adapt to extreme conditions and how we care for each other? In the time of pandemic and isolation, can we learn from astronauts and people who have lived through hardships?