Live Panel: On Roots and Fruits
This panel is a collection of talks from some of the founding members of FEMeeting regarding the impact of the conferences and other community activities, as well as their perspective on the future development of women in art, science and technology.
FEMeeting Seeds
The seeds of our garden, the aromatic herbs and giant sequoias growing within FEMeeting the year throughout, are the members of our worldwide community. This part of our garden’s program includes video testimonies, images and sounds expressing the character and souls of some of the extraordinary women working today in art, science and technology.
FEM Books
FEMeeting 2020 Garden has its own reading corners where you can find more information about the conferences and other meetings. Check out the abstracts for a concise idea on the rich variety of topics researched by the participants of FEMeeting gatherings.
FEMeeting WEB 2020
set of short videos and audio podcasts