
STARTS Prize Forum: Olga Kisseleva
Olga Kisseleva (RU)
Olga Kisseleva (RU), winner of this year’s Grand Prize for Innovative Collaboration, and Andrea Ling (CA), winner of the Grand Prize for Artistic Exploration, give insight into their practice.

STEAMhouse: Make to Innovate
Clayton Shaw (UK), James Hannam (UK)
In this presentation from the First BCU International STEAM Conference you will learn about STEAMhouse, BCU’s centre for collaborative innovation, through an introductory talk from Programme Manager Clayton Shaw and Prototyping & Operations Manager James Hannam.

Art Thinking Forum: Humanizing Technology
Mara Balestrini (IT), Olga Kisseleva (RU), Alexander Mankowsky (DE), Hideaki Ogawa (JP/AT)
Art Thinking is a platform for discussing the role of art in the future, in the context of industry, society, and ecology. The forum is supported by the innovative communication design company Hakuhodo. In tandem with Ars Electronica's interest in emerging technologies and their effect on society, their forward-thinking creative approach strongly complements the topic of the panel: future arts, and how cutting-edge and creative artistic examples can be used to humanize technology and improve society.

Art Thinking as Catalyst
Jurij Krpan (SI), Alejandro Martín (ES), Camille Baker (UK), Veronika Liebl (AT)
The Science+Technology+Arts = STARTS Initiative is a program of the European Commission to encourage synergies between the arts and technology that support the innovation industry and society. STARTS promotes the inclusion of artists in research and innovation activities thoughout Europe.

The Civil Society of the Future
Unabhängiges LandesFreiwilligen Zentrum (AT)
When, if not now, should we talk about the future of civil society? As with the refugee conflict in 2015, the corona crisis of 2020 highlighted the role of civil social engagement. Once again, it became clear how much the initiatives, associations, NGOs, NPOs and individuals we consider as “civil society” can do.

The History of Dark Matter Retold
Adeyemi Michael
Dark Matter by Adeyemi Michael It was during the DARK MATTER exhibition in Science Gallery London that History of Dark Matter Retold was conceptualised. Scientist and actress Laura-Joy Pieters collaborated with director Adeyemi Michael to produce a film that portrayed Laura’s birth and heritage. When speaking about what she wished to communicate with the film, Laura expressed that “The achievements of black women are all around us and are present throughout history, yet they are rarely ever seen or acknowledged, much like the nature of the elusive dark matter”.

Symposium “Perspektiven politischer Bildung”
Arbeiterkammer OÖ (AT), Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ (AT)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is omnipresent, without us always being aware of it. For many years now, it has been making our everyday lives easier, for example when cell phones are unlocked by means of face recognition or when individual advertising guides us through the jungle of the Internet. AI can manipulate us humans. Can it thus become a danger to democracy? The first signs of this apparent development were brought about by the brexite vote or the US presidential elections, for example.

Q&A with Man & Wah
Moderated by independent curator and creative director working in the field of digital/new media arts, Lubi Thomas (AU/UK), this live Q&A event will explore the creative practice and process of artists Man & Wah. Covering topics of nature, the cosmos, information and interdisciplinary artistic practice, Man & Wah will respond to live questions alongside a discussion with Lubi about their narrative video piece, CELESTON, and physical exhibition at Museum of Brisbane.

Man & Wah: Artist Studio Profile
Working within the breadth of nature and the cosmos, the Marco and Micro, Man & Wah (AU) produce lush and alluring photographic, moving image, digital and installation based works. Collaborating with a diverse range of people on projects across the globe, they explore the depths of place through local flora; ultimately illuminating synergies between the limits of the man-made and vastness of natural systems and structures. This video follows the artists’ creative process and explores the places they forage for inspiration and meaning. Created in collaboration with photographer and filmmaker Charlie Hillhouse (AU), this studio profile gives insight into the forces that drive Man & Wah to continue to compel audiences to reflect on the phenomenal complexity of plants and the endless possibilities of interconnectedness.

Keynote Lecture: Tree Conservation and Genetics
Victoria Sork, UCLA Dean of Life Sciences, Director of Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Gardens

A sketchnote-workshop online - our experience
Participatory workshops with students offer exciting new perspectives for scientific communication, but what happens when they have to be done remotely? In this online seminar we will explore the challenges and opportunities provided by shifting a Sketchnote workshop with students to an online format.

Space in the classroom? - It's not rocket science!
Everybody loves space, but how can teachers include space topics in class? This online seminar offers simple experiments as supplements to “normal” STEM-lessons and introduces extracurricular learning centers that offer deeper dives.

Live Program of Telluric Vibrations, UCLA Botanical Gardens – Los Angeles
Enjoy the extensive live Program of Telluric Vibrations, UCLA Botanical Gardens – Los Angeles

Bioplastics and the New Materiality of Waste
Idil Akdos (NO)
How do we dispose of new materials safely? The CitiComPlastic team investigate how bioplastic waste can be safely transformed into compost. Join them to discuss how new materiality interfaces with environmental issues, and how we need to change our practices, structures, policies and perspectives to address this.

Schools and the Science of Air Pollution
Sonja Grossberndt (NO)
Together with teachers and students, the team from NILU shows us how to make low cost air quality sensors, and how to best use them to investigate air quality.

What is Noise? Interdisciplinary Discussion
Marc Aguilar and Víctor Jiménez (ES)
The team behind Noise Maps invite international experts in noise and sound to discuss our attitudes to noise, its effects and affect, and our agency in shaping soundscapes in this panel discussion with time for audience questions.

Sonic Heritage of Inner City Barcelona
Marc Aguilar and Víctor Jiménez (ES)
Bit Lab Cultural Cooperative work on Noise Maps with residents of Raval to gather audio recordings using audio moths placed around the city, and learn how to best investigate urban noise.

Loss of the Night
Helga Kuechly, Chris Kyba (DE)
The Loss of the Night team explains how light pollution affects our view of the night sky, and how our experience can be transformed into data. The presentation will kick-off a 24-hour global observation, where teams around the globe will tune in to show us what the night sky is like in their location, with the help of the Loss of the Night app.

Tired Moths and Quiet Stars
Sibylle Schroer (DE)
The 'Crime Scene’ Streetlight project works with citizens and schools to research the effect of the design of street lamps on flying insect populations. Join the team at Brandenburg maker-hub Verstehbahnhof, where local teenagers will be gathering data about pollution; before touring the four Tatort Streetlight locations and learning how to identify flying insects.

Street Spectra – Join the Streetlights Hunting!
Lucía García (ES)
Turn your smartphone into a scientific instrument using a cheap diffraction grating. The Street Spectra citizen science project lets you get surprising pictures of the colourful spectra produced by the streetlamps in your neighborhood.