
Kōrero Paki (Our stories of the legends)
Yinan Liu (NZ), Jermaine Leef (NZ), Uwe Rieger (DE/ NZ), Holly White (NZ)
Kōrero Paki takes key moments from the Maori mythology and transforms them into 3D holographic sculptures displayed on personal handheld devices. Using a simplified motion capture process, a performer transforms the drawings into animated narratives. Viewed with simple red/cyan cardboard glasses, these sculptures are perceived as hovering above the surface of a smartphone and appear to be dancing in the viewer’s hand.

Artist Talk: How the brain works?
Marek Chołoniewski (PL), Chris Cutler (UK), Piotr Madej (PL), Artur Lis (PL)
Folded Maps of Time performance backstage

Folded Maps of Time
Marek Chołoniewski (PL), Chris Cutler (UK), Piotr Madej (PL), Artur Lis (PL)
Folded Maps of Time (FoMaTi) is an immersive audio-visual performance that integrates biosensoric electromagnetic systems (MC) and object-oriented electrified percussion (CC).

Still There
Marlene Reischl (AT)
"Still There" is a video installation dealing with irritation as a state. Manipulated through Frame Blending, the computer transforms the images it has been given to generate new intermediate ones by itself.

Fulldome / VR & AR Lab
The immersive installation site-inflexion invites visitors to take part in a site-specific virtual and acoustic journey. The scenery and soundscapes of the JKU campus are the main actors in the work, alluding to Johannes Kepler's activity as a landscape mathematician. A laser-scanned topographic survey of Kepler’s gardens becomes an audio-visual environment transfigured by the everyday sounds that inhabit them. Oscillating between urban pollution and phantasmagoria, structures and lawns bend and curve under the effect of sound waves, reaching their inflection point by tipping towards the unknown.

Cross Perception - work in progress
Fulldome / VR & AR Lab
A limitless space. Everything moves—light, shapes and colors. Human and machine let their sight wander and try to recognize something. The human beings search for orientation, the device calculates.

Future Room and Liminal Spaces (re-edited) 360˚ film screening
Fulldome / VR & AR Lab
The Fulldome Program of the Digital Arts Department at the University of Applied Arts Vienna presents experimental immersive works, collaborations between the Department and the University’s Science Visualization Lab, Trans-Media Academie Hellerau, and the transdisciplinary performance company, kondition pluriel. Future Room and Liminal Spaces (re-edited) reveal the artistic potential of the fulldome, as does the 360˚ film screening selection of works by researchers, teachers, and students.

Chronicles of an Art and Science Collaboration, Otaniemi-Espoo, Finland
Aalto University (FI)
The project highlights the use of autoethnographic narrative as tool for artistic and design research. It brings together self-reflections from three scientists who participated in an art and science collaboration dealing with the use of bio-cellulose for art and design purposes. Through their stories we learn about what inspired them to follow careers in science and how the making of a contribution to sustainability and the good of humankind sustains their work objectives.