Demystifying AI with Music

Roberto Viola (IT), Elaine Chew (US/UK), Patrick van der Smagt (DE), Matthias Röder (DE)

Sun Sep 13, 2020, 11:00 am - 11:45 am
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).
Ars Electronica New World Channel

Music touches our mind and our soul. It gives us pleasures, makes us thinks, and strikes us emotionally. What could be the role of AI in music then? Can AI draw inspiration from music? Can music offer insights for humans in the way AI works? Can music help reconcile AI technology with human priorities and needs? The conversation will reflect on these questions also in the light of a European vision on ‘trustworthy AI’.

Elaine Chew, pianist and Senior Researcher, CNRS – UMR9912 / STMS (IRCAM), Visiting Professor of Engineering, King’s College London
Patrick van der Smagt, head of AI research, Volkswagen Group
Roberto Viola, Director General, DG CONNECT, European Commission

Matthias Röder, director of Karajan Institute

Project Credits / Acknowledgements

Ars Electronica is organizing the AIxMusic Festival in collaboration with the European Commission as part of the STARTS initiative.

Europäische Kommission