Key contributors to MindSpaces EU and MindSpaces HK will present their research in the framework of Horizon2020 MindSpaces/S+T+Arts research project.
The panel will include partners like Refik Anadol (Analog Native), MoBen, Tyson Hosmer (Zaha Hadid Architects), Marta Boregero (City of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), Spain, McNeel Europe, Pompeu Fabra University, and Espronceda, Barcelona, CERTH, and Aristotle University, Tessaloniki, e-Seniors, Paris, Nurogames, Cologne, Germany, Beatrice de Gelder and Alexia Briassouli, Maastricht University, Belgium.
Project Credits / Acknowledgements
Moderator: MoBen / CityU HK
Coordinator: Ann Mak
Contributors: partners of the MindSpaces EU research project and the MindSpaces HK project
Production: Charlie Yip, NeuroDesign Lab, ACIM