Jan van Eyck was here, there and is now everywhere …

Till-Holger Borchert (DE)

Sat Sep 12, 2020, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).
Deep Space 8K
Also Live on Ars Electronica New World Channel, 12.9., 13:00-14:00

On the occasion of the Van Eyck Year 2020, Ars Electronica, in cooperation with the General Delegation of Flanders, Musea Brugge and with the kind support of the Belgian Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) and Art in Flanders; high-resolution images will be shown of Jan van Eyck’s most famous masterpiece, the Ghent Altarpiece, as well as other images made by KIK-IRPA for the VERONA Project (Van Eyck Research in OpeN Access). The presentation will be given by Till-Holger Borchert, art historian specialized in Van Eyck and director of the Musea Brugge. An insight into the creative environment of the artist and his crafts and techniques will also be on display. Deep Space 8K technology will again reveal details from the works of art that remain hidden from normal viewing.

Visiting the Deep Space presentations is only possible with a pre-booked ticket. Tickets are available at the Ars Electronica Center’s infodesk and can only be booked for the respective time slot of the museum visit ticket.


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Project Credits / Acknowledgements

With the kind support of the Flemish Government, Saint-Bavo’s Cathedral, Musea Brugge, Art in Flanders and the Belgian Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage.
All images are accessible on closertovaneyck.kikirpa.be
Images of Van Eyck in Flemish art collections – such as the Ghent Altarpiece – can be downloaded free of charge at artinflanders.be


Till-Holger Borchert (*1967) ist seit 2003 bei den Brügger Museen tätig, zunächst als Chief-Curator des Groeningemuseums und seit 2014 als Generaldirektor der Brügger Museen. Der aus Hamburg stammende Kunsthistoriker studierte Kunstgeschichte in Bonn und Bloomington (IN), arbeitete als Kunstkritiker und Sachbuchautor und kuratierte in Europa und den USA zahlreiche Ausstellungen zur Kunst des Spätmittelalters und der Frühneuzeit. Er unterrichtete Kunstgeschichte an der RWTH Aachen und Middlebury College (VT) und hatte 2007/08 den Hohenberg Chair of Excellence in Art History an der Memphis University in Tennessee (USA) inne. Er gilt als Experte für Van Eyck und die altniederländische Kunst und war einer der Kuratoren der Van Eyck Ausstellung im Museum der Schönen Künste in Gent.

Musea Brugge
Flemish Research Center for Arts
Flanders State of the Art