ESERO Austria (AT)

Mission X


Mission X is an international school class competition that has been in existence since 2011 and is held annually in over 25 countries worldwide. NASA and ESA have developed a series of exercises and lessons to teach space knowledge, exercise, sports and the importance of healthy eating in daily life.

The American and European space agencies NASA and ESA have developed a series of exercises for Mission X that teach children to enjoy space knowledge, exercise, sports and the importance of healthy eating in daily life. The exercises (missions) will show children how astronauts train and what their fitness program looks like. In recent years, 4,000 Austrian schoolchildren and 200 schools have already successfully participated in the competition.

Participating classes meet annually for a big final event at the Ars Electronica Center. Franz Viehböck, the first and so far only Austrian astronaut, has been a fixed presence for many years. Students have the opportunity to ask him questions or play games about space travel.


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