STARTS Projects

Meet the S+T+ARTS Community: Building Open Source Platforms

Joseph Klatt (US), Sören Lex (AT)

Fri Sep 11, 2020, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).

Networking event hosted by Kristina Maurer (AT), Senior Producer European Cooperation
with Jospeh Klatt (US) and Sören Lex (AT)

It takes a global community with creative approaches to problem solving to tackle global challenges, and more and more often these are created through connecting people by sharing open source technologies and toolkits. Precious Plastic and Precious Plastic Universe, started by industrial designer Dave Hakkens in 2013, is one of those platforms: focused on the reduction of plastic waste through sharing an open source toolkit of technologies and ideas, it has become a global movement of 80.000 people connected by the same passion and vision.

Join this STARTS networking event with Joseph Klatt, who develops business tools and models at Precious Plastic and Sören Lex, founder of social Start-up plasticpreneur as they discuss open source platforms from the perspective of both the platform developer and the platform user creating their own spin on the framework. This event provides an open space for discussion and Q+A with the two expert participants as well as sharing insights from your own practice and experience.

The workshop is held via Zoom. Password-protected links for participation in the workshop will be sent to all participants by e-mail at least 2 days before the workshop.

Registration required:


Joseph Klatt (US) develops business tools and business models for people who are getting started with Precious Plastic. Precious Plastic exists to reduce plastic waste through boosting recycling, new biodegradable materials or adopting zero waste lifestyles. It is a combination of people, machines, platforms and knowledge to create an alternative global recycling system.

Sören Lex (AT) is co-founder of Start-up plasticpreneuer, a passionate team of designers, engineers and creators striving to close the loop and foster the transition from a linear (take-make-dispose) to a circular economy. They do this by designing, manufacturing and providing user-friendly, mobile and easy to repair plastic recycling machines and offering entrepreneurship training.

This event is co-funded by the European Commission’s DG CONNECT, in the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union under the S+T+ARTS programme’s Regional STARTS Centers.

Europäische Kommission Horizon 2020