Opera is a cycle of a five-minute animation created by the prize-winning filmmaker and artist Erick Oh. Each section is inextricably linked with the activities of the individual characters, ultimately enabling the viewer to enjoy a complex construction of a vibrant pyramid, regardless of which character they watch first.
Visiting the Deep Space presentations is only possible with a pre-booked ticket. Tickets are available at the Ars Electronica Center’s infodesk and can only be booked for the respective time slot of the museum visit ticket.
Erick Oh (KR/US) is a Korean filmmaker / artist based in California, USA. His films have been introduced and awarded at numerous film festivals including Academy Awards, Annie Awards, Annecy Animation Festival, Zagreb Film Festival, SIGGRAPH, Anima Mundi and more. With his background in fine art in Seoul National University, Korea and film at UCLA, USA, Erick became an animator at Pixar Animation Studios from 2010 to 2016. Then Erick joined Tonko House with his fellow former Pixar artists and directed ‘PIG : The Dam Keeper Poems’ which won the Crystal Award at Annecy Animation Festival 2018. Erick is currently working on a variety of projects with his partners in film/animation, VR/AR industry and also contemporary art scene in US and South Korea.