
Ethan Avila, Laura Rodriguez: The Fruits of Consciousness

Sat Sep 12, 2020, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).
Interactive Demo

The final path of the trip is dedicated to finding new types of life forms, combining both human and non-human agents: robotics; AI+nature; the garden as a model of human consciousness; how to explain gardens to non-human agents; how to explain smells and touch to AI; collecting data from the gardens; big data and consciousness.

Ethan Avila, Laura Rodriguez (MX)

The Fruits of Consciousness

The Fruits of consciousness is a virtual installation of Ethan Avila and Laura Rodriguez based on the theories of sight, knowledge, and consciousness fundamentally inspired by the scientific literature of Lynne A. Isbell regarding the connection and coevolution between the serpent, human, and trees in relation to our biological history.

There is Truth in our stories and myths, that does not mean a story is real, Truth refers to a more complex and in a way the transcendental state of the human consciousness. In the story, the snake offers the fruit to Eve, which she considers to be desirable and pleasant to the eyes. It is also True that red fruit has always been more desirable for primates because of color and sweetness. Snakes and humans were in the arm-race of coevolution venom resistance and promoted the complex vision system we have nowadays.

The digital tree of Malus pumila with a suggested modification, with the DNA of a gene coding for snake protein is a visual rhyme for the scientific truth and the myth. On the top of the tree there will be the protein of a snake venom that will hover and show by owning the metaphorical essence of the tree. Beside the tree there will be two non-human agents, robotic arms placed on each side of the tree pot. The robots’ names are Adam and Eve and they act through this robot extensions to protect and maintain the foundations of human consciousness, and the important elements of our myths and stories in a speculative world where humans do not preserve them anymore, by a probable extinction or lack of care for the myths and symbols; Non-human entities now take care of the representation of human consciousness.

When the online visitor delivers personal information related to the biological characteristics and mystical conditions of existence the tree deliver an apple, that is sent by email, all these apples are representations of the individual consciousness shaped by each human.


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