Theme Weekend “Climate Change and the Digital Geography of the 21st Century

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Ars Electronica Blog

(Linz, 24.2.2020) Global temperature rise, glacier melt, rising sea levels, shrinking ice surfaces and extreme weather conditions: the effects of climate change are worrying, and rapid action is essential. During the theme weekend “Climate Change and the Digital Geography of the 21st Century”, deep-space presentations and special guided tours offer a good opportunity to obtain comprehensive information on the subject of climate change. Visitors to the “Global Shift” exhibition can interactively explore the phenomenon of glacier shrinkage, examine the global transport routes of merchant ships and their CO2 emissions or see the concrete effects of global warming in satellite images.

The programme at a glance:

Guided tour: PLANet B / THU 27.2., SAT 29.2. and SUN 1.3.2020 / 2 pm-3:30 pm

The focus of the PLANet B guided tour is the Anthropocene, the age in which man has the greatest influence on the entire ecosystem. Although satellite technologies, data analysis and visualization strategies make it possible today to display the observable and measurable changes on earth, how can the effects of climate change be counteracted? Questions are allowed, discussions very welcome and action explicitly desired!

Deep Space LIVE: Europe’s threatened forests / DO 27.2.2020 / 7 pm – 8 pm
When talking about “forest destruction”, the first thought is usually about tropical rainforests. But hardly anyone knows that European forests are also highly endangered, as climate change and a too low stock of natural forests and overexploitation lead to a drastic decline. The visually stunning lecture by nature photographer Berndt Fischer shows the beauty of primeval forests and contrasts it with common forestry practice and exploitation of forests in times of resource hunger and the ideology of the “renewable resource wood”.

Demonstration: Fridays for Future / FR 28.2.2020 / 1 pm
Fridays for Future, the worldwide movement of mostly young people who are working together to protect the climate, will be holding a Friday demonstration in front of the Ars Electronica Center in Linz to call for compliance with climate targets and thus a future worth living for future generations.

Guided tour: Melting away / SAT 29.2.2020, 1:30 pm – 2 pm / SUN 1.3.2020, 11 am – 11:30 am
How do glaciers form, why are they melting faster and faster and what meaningful values can already be measured today? During this guided tour, participants will learn more about global developments and regional impacts around glacier retreat and ice melting at the poles.

Guided tour: Drop in the Ocean / SAT 29.2.2020, 11 am-11:30 am / SUN 1.3.2020, 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm
This guided tour explores the impact of our modern lifestyle on the oceans, the largest ecosystem on the planet.

Deep Space Special: Climate Change / THU 27.2.2020, 4 pm-5 pm / FRI 28.2.2020, 4:30 pm-5 pm / SAT 29.2. and SUN 1.3.2020, 11:30 am -12:00 noon and 4 pm -5 pm
Every day you hear or read about “climate change”. But what exactly does the word “climate” actually mean and how does it differ from “weather”? In this Deep Space Special, visitors learn interesting facts about the natural and human influences on the climate. In addition, various movements, such as “Fridays for Future”, are also discussed.

Guided tour: Power to the People / FRI 28.2.2020, 2 pm-3 pm / SAT 29.2.2020, 3 pm – 4 pm
In a democracy, power emanates from the people, but due to new technologies, this is often no longer the case. This tour is dedicated to technological, civil and political developments that show where the claim of an empowered society is in danger and what approaches exist to counteract this.

Think tank: Make the world beautiful again / FRI 28.2.2020, 3:15 pm-4:15 pm / SAT 29.2.2020, 4:15 pm-5:15 pm
The participants of the think tank form alliances against the exploitation of our planet and found start-ups to save the world: In a fictional scenario they become scientific and creative thinkers and leaders of the future and present possible inventions to save the world. In the conference that follows, the projects are discussed together.

Glacier Retreat / Photocredit: Ars Electronica – Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion

Orbit – A Journey around the Earth / Photocredit: / Printversion