Press Releases

Photo: Ars Electronica / Robert Bauernhansl

  • Deep Space LIVE: The Virtual Crib in all its glory

    Deep Space LIVE: The Virtual Crib in all its glory

    (Linz, 30.11.2021) As part of Ars Electronica Home Delivery, viewers of Deep Space LIVE will experience fascinating glimpses of the virtual counterpart of the Nativity scene at the Mariendom in Linz on December 2, 2021, starting at 7:00 pm.

  • Inside Futurelab: Night Performances – 11°22’4“142°35’5’’

    Inside Futurelab: Night Performances – 11°22’4“142°35’5’’

    (Linz, 24.11.2021) By means of accordion and analog synthesizer, Ars Electronica Home Delivery takes you on an audiovisual journey into the depths of the sea.

  • The concept of time in the universe and living ink

    The concept of time in the universe and living ink

    (Linz, 16.11.2021) A 3D journey through the universe, the concept of time viewed from different perspectives and an experiment with living ink are all on the Ars Electronica Home Delivery program this week.

  • European Southern Observatory, Artistic Journalism and a Picnic in Tokyo

    European Southern Observatory, Artistic Journalism and a Picnic in Tokyo

    (Linz, 9.11.2021) Breathtaking astrophotos from the European Southern Observatory ESO, visions and ideas from the Ars Electronica Futurelab and a picnic in a Tokyo park. This week on Ars Electronica Home Delivery.

  • Deep Space LIVE: PUNTIGAM-KELLER-WILBERTZ: “Und Ja, And Yes,”

    Deep Space LIVE: PUNTIGAM-KELLER-WILBERTZ: “Und Ja, And Yes,”

    (Linz, 2.11.2021) With trombone, guitar and percussion, Werner Puntigam, Beat Keller and Georg Wilbertz will make the Ars Electronica Center’s Deep Space resound in the course of a live concert on November 4, 2021.

  • The Tomb of the Schaunberger and Artistic Journalism

    The Tomb of the Schaunberger and Artistic Journalism

    (Linz, 24.10.2021) View the 13th-century tomb of Wernhard IV from Wilhering Abbey Church on 16×9 meters and learn more about Artistic Journalism – this week at Ars Electronica Home Delivery.

  • Ars Electronica initiates STARTS Center Upper Austria

    Ars Electronica initiates STARTS Center Upper Austria

    (Linz, Oct. 19, 2021) Starting in February 2022, 21 fellowships in 11 European countries will build bridges between an international community at the intersection of science, technology and art – S+T+ARTS for short – and local challenges and opportunities.

  • Autumn days at the Museum of the Future

    Autumn days at the Museum of the Future

    (Linz, 18.10.2021) When the days outside get grayer and colder, the Ars Electronica Center’s vibrant indoor program is all the better for spending a day at the museum with the whole family. The autumn vacations, and of course the days surrounding them, provide the perfect occasion and the time needed to do just that.

  • Diverse program at the children’s culture week

    Diverse program at the children’s culture week

    (Linz, Oct. 12, 2021) For the 9th time, Linz’s cultural institutions are sending a strong signal for creative and cultural offerings in Linz for young audiences with Children’s Culture Week in October.

  • There Is No Planet B

    There Is No Planet B

    (Linz, Oct. 4, 2021) This week’s theme focuses on sustainable lifestyles, both in the food and plastics sectors and in energy production and use.

  • Ars Electronica Solutions Says “Austria Makes Sense”

    Ars Electronica Solutions Says “Austria Makes Sense”

    (Linz, 30.9.2021) October 1, 2021 Expo will kick off in Dubai. A total of 192 nations will be participating in the first-ever world’s fair held in an Arab country, presenting their visions of the future on this prestigious stage.

  • NHM Vienna and Ars Electronica Futurelab open the new Deck 50

    NHM Vienna and Ars Electronica Futurelab open the new Deck 50

    (Linz, October 29, 2021) With the new Deck 50, the Natural History Museum Vienna and the Ars Electronica Futurelab demonstrate how contemporary science communication works.

  • TEXTA Live and Long Night of Museums

    TEXTA Live and Long Night of Museums

    (Linz, 27.9.2021) Fat raps, polished beats, cuts and scratches: visitors to Deep Space LIVE can expect the very best in hip hop when TEXTA present their new album on Thursday evening from 19:00.

  • Global Shift – the epoch of mankind

    Global Shift – the epoch of mankind

    (Linz, Sept. 22, 2021) The focus days Global Shift are all about the Anthropocene, that age in which human influence on its living environment has become clearly visible.

  • “Festival University – Ideas for a University of the Future”

    “Festival University – Ideas for a University of the Future”

    (Linz, 17.9.2021) What should learning and teaching look like at a “university of the future”? This question is being intensively discussed in connection with the founding of a new technical university in Upper Austria.

  • 750 artists from 34 countries take part in dual Ars Electronica

    750 artists from 34 countries take part in dual Ars Electronica

    (Linz, 13.9.2021) The Ars Electronica Festival met with a great deal of interest from visitors on site in Linz. The festival was not only held in Linz, but also in 86 festival gardens around the world and online.

  • Ars Electronica Futurelab – The first 25 years and beyond

    Ars Electronica Futurelab – The first 25 years and beyond

    (Linz, 9.9.2021) To mark the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Ars Electronica Futurelab, the Ars Electronica Festival will feature a very particular multimedia program and a whole series of innovative highlights of the Futurelab

  • Digital && Life – the major theme exhibition of Ars Electronica 2021

    Digital && Life – the major theme exhibition of Ars Electronica 2021

    (Linz, 8.9.2021) At the center of Ars Electronica 2021, the Theme Exhibition “Digital && Life” will feature projects that emerged from a call by the Linz Institute of Technology or from the multi-year EU programs “STARTS,” “EMAP” and “European ARTificial Intelligence Lab.”

  • CyberArts Exhibition 2021

    CyberArts Exhibition 2021

    (Linz, 7.9.2021) Since 1998, the OK in the OÖ Kulturquartier, now a location of the OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH, has presented the CyberArts exhibition as a showcase of award-winning works from the Prix Ars Electronica.

  • „LOOPS OF WISDOM”: University of Art and Design Linz at the Ars Electronica 2021

    „LOOPS OF WISDOM”: University of Art and Design Linz at the Ars Electronica 2021

    (Linz, 7.9.2021) For five days, from 8 to 12 September 2021, the University of Art and Design Linz will once again present inspiring ideas from young media artists at this year’s Ars Electronica.