Christl Baur (DE), Head of Ars Electronica Festival and Manuela Hillmann (DE), Producer of Festival Gardens


  • Garden Andes, La Fabulosa república de la Montaña (CL)
  • Garden Araucanía, Fundación Mar Adentro (CL)
  • Garden Atacama, ALMA Observatory and Fundación Mustakis (CL)
  • Garden Valdivia, Galería Réplica, Universidad Austral de Chile (CL)
  • Celeste Rojas Mugica (CL/AR), Ejercicios de aridez | Aridity Exercises
  • María Ignacia Court (CL), Trinidad Piriz (CL), The Burst of Things / Where are we standing?

Christl Baur, Head of Ars Electronica Festival and Manuela Hillmann, Producer of Festival Gardens, invite you to a journey through our festival gardens in Chile.  Where are we standing? questions the current socio-political situation in Chile as well as beyond.

You are invited to wander through the Polygonal Forest, a protected area in the Andean Araucanía, dedicated to preserving ecosystems.  In the Atacama Desert we shift our eyes towards distant galaxies, while talking about landscapes of the 21st century and hearing from devices, that are witnesses of Chile’s social movements. 


The participation of artists and gardens in Chile is the result of a collaboration between Ars Electronica and the Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio and the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores | Gobierno de Chile.