Thessaloniki Garden will host the MindSpaces project, funded by the European HORIZON2020-STARTS program. MindSpaces is an endeavor that brings together artists and scientists in order to tackle societal and urban city design challenges by leveraging the inspiration of the former and the technological innovations of the latter. People experience the built environment differently according to their social, cultural and economic background. The variety of this experience requires consideration if we want all users to feel that a particular space or place belongs to them. To this end, MindSpaces seeks to transform the practice of architecture by integrating the full diversity of how people experience and behave in the spaces we design through innovative, artistically-driven digital technologies. With the use of virtual reality, biosensors, artificial intelligence, algorithms and simulations, design decisions may be taken with regard to a detailed understanding of the users’ preferences and collective behaviour.

MindSpaces Garden will host a) a teaser of an upcoming exhibition showcasing the research of the Open Call artists in collaboration with the technical partners of the MindSpaces consortium b) the ZHA Workplaces.AI interactive app, which allows each user to generate their own workplace environments by manipulating design parameters to simulate how a crowd of workplace “agents” behaves within it and experience it immersively and, c) an online meet-up that will bring together the artists and architects of the MindSpaces consortium.


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MindSpaces Consortium (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (GR), University of Maastricht (NL), Pompeu Fabra University (ES,) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR), McNeel Europe SL (ES), Up2Metric (GR), Nurogames (DE), Zaha Hadid Architects (UK), Maurice Benayoun (FR), Analog Native (DE), Espronceda (ES), e-Sèniors (FR), Ajuntament de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (ES), City University of Hong Kong (HK)), Maurice Benayoun, Refik Anadol – Artists in residency, Haseeb Ahmed, Sarah Derat, Emanuel Gollob, Emmanuel Van der Auwera, João Martinho Moura, Michael Sedbon

MindSpaces has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme in the framework of the STARTS initiative (Science, Technology & the Arts) under Grant agreement No. 825079.