How do future generations perceive the current state of our surroundings? What can their visual culture and imagery foretell, in terms of future acts of transformation? Upon entering this space, visitors will be faced with multiple formats, sounds, colors, and emotions representing the results of an open call for young artists under the age of 30 conducted in July, under the premise “To Question and Reflect on the Visual Representation of a Forest”. The participants were selected and curated by renown Chilean artists and cultural managers working in the fields of digital art, more-than-human explorations, and visual culture: Nicole L’Huillier, Cristóbal Cea and Valentina Montero.

Nicole L’Huillier (1985, Chile): works with sounds, resonances, and vibrations to explore more-than-human performativity and agency from micro to cosmic scales, creating membranal and resonant (neo)rituals while fostering collectivity and stimulating imagination in non-static and embodied ways. She applies new and ancient storytelling and creative technologies to actively extend past anthropocentric perspectives and practice decolonial worldling. She is also an experimental musician, drummer and a Ph.D. candidate in Media Arts and Sciences.

Cristobal Cea (1981, Chile): has an MFA in Digital Media from Rhode Island School of Design. An artist and a teacher, his work focuses on the relationship between technology and affection. He is currently developing a video work that deals with the connection between news footage, distance and 3D simulation. His work has been exhibited in Chile, the United States, China, among other countries, and he has been recently awarded the RISD President Scholarship and First Prize in Matilde Pérez Art by Fundación Telefónica.

Valentina Montero (1973, Chile): is a cultural manager, curator and teacher with a Ph.D. in Artistic Production and Digital Image by the University of Barcelona and a Masters in Curating and New Media by Ramón Llull University. She has been Head Curator at the New Media Biennial (Chile), and is currently Director and Head Researcher at PAM (Plataforma Arte y Medios), an online space for the documentation, analysis and dissemination of analog and digital artistic practices that involve scientific and technological languages. Since 2011, she has been an online teacher at the Node Center for Curatorial Studies; collaborated for the Caixa Forum Media Library, Drap-Art Festival and Videoakt, Taxonomedia, in Barcelona, among others.


Young artist contest jury members:
Valentina Montero (curator and researcher); Nicole L´Huillier (artist); Cristóbal Cea (artist)

Selected artists:
Martina Mella (1st place), Sandra Reyes (2nd place), Verónica Rodríguez (3rd place) , Valentina Riquelme (honourable mention), Francisco Silva (honourable mention), Valentina Arteaga, Makarena Kramcsák, Marta Moya, Matías Vallejo, Michael Angelo Yáñez, Jan Araújo, TRINA & IK’TEIN (Trinidad Vildósola and Sebastián Encina), Rocío Mercado, Verónica Díaz-Muñiz, Pedro Rodríguez, Luna Laffx (Luna Valentina Morales), Ignacio Pérez, Ilana Levin, Simón López, Victoria Ramírez, Neo Felipos, Francisca Miles, Pablo Ochoa Concha, Bruna Ginocchio, Colectivo Hebras (Javiera Antonia Gómez Cerda, Constanza Valentina Silva Rosales, Francisco Andrés Ipinza Burgos, Paulina Elisa Jara Cáceres), Claudio Saitz-Armstrong, Alejandro Martínez Orellana, Bastián Díaz Orellana, Valentina Maldonado, Javiera Depassier, Rocío Contreras, Gonzalo López, Hypereikon Lab (Carlos Vásquez, María Constanza Lobos and Sebastián Rojas), Camilo Navarro, Alejandro Chaparro.