Artificial Intelligence

Entangled Realities
Sebastian Pirch (AT), Norbert Unfug (AT), Christiane Hütter (AT), Jörg Menche (DE)
The human species is surrounded by networks. Interrelations shape our physical and digital environment, from airports and cityscapes to social or genetic interactions. An invisible body of connections is interwoven within our physical reality. The digital and physical shall form a symbiotic realm, visualized in a virtual world to be experienced by a human spectator. Through transitioning in between different environments, from urban networks to the human body, the Entangled Realities communicate the diversity of complex systems shaping our human habitat.

Urban Auscultation
Aleyda Rocha (MX/ AT), Eveline Wandl-Vogt (AT), Mojdeh Siyadat (IR/ AT)
In a group of ten-fifteen people maximum (adjusting to covid rules), we will go on a walk at the surroundings of Ars Electronica; guided by a leader that will give instructions on the data collections to make; take careful notes about what happens and produce a series of experimental inventories or archives and a final cosmogram.

Speculum Maius and Studio M.A.R.S.
Studio M.A.R.S. (Music Art Research Science), (DE/ AT/ UK/ ES/ CN/ KE)
Speculum Maius (The Great Mirror) is a ground-breaking new opera that merges pioneering live VR technology together with live performance, created by Studio M.A.R.S.

Emergent Topographies of Vienna
Firas Safieddine (LB/ AT/ ES), Eveline Wandl-Vogt (AT)
Emergent topographies is a video installation, created by using artificial intelligence in the form of generative adversarial networks for creative production. Given the complexity of intelligence, be it synthetic or biological, the artwork operates in the friction space between citizen data science, urban dynamics, artificial intelligence and neuroscience; exploring the interaction through generating mutant topographies of brain data and citizen urban data using creative algorithms.

Un suono in estinzione Guided Tour
Pablo Bes Alonso
In this guided tour, we are going to present one of the projects curated by Filippo Rosati from Garden Bologna as a premier. The project that we are going to present is Un suono in estinzione, art & science project aimed at monitoring climate change implications on alpine glaciers through an artistic exploration.

Artificial Star Gazers & Extraterrestrial Beings: Touring the AI Lab
Artificial intelligence and the relationship between human and machine are the focus of the exhibitions at the Ars Electronica center. As part of this AI Lab Highlight Tour, you will have the opportunity to see selected works focusing on AI at the Ars Electronica Festival exhibition location Kepler’s Gardens at the Johannes-Kepler-University, directly from the comfort of your home.

Sustainable Futures & New Pathways to Innovation
Sustainable Futures & New Pathways to Innovation is an interactive online experience that explores three concrete challenges tackled by artists who have participated in S+T+ARTS across three thematic areas: Tangible Data, Sustainable Futures and Navigating the Digital Realm.

Journey Chat: „The Zizi Show” with Jake Elwes and Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley
Treten Sie ein in die Welt von The Zizi Show (2020), einem Deepfake-Drag-Kabarett, einer virtuellen Online-Bühne, auf der eine bahnbrechende neue Show mit einem gewissen Etwas stattfindet. Hier werden Acts gezeigt, die mit Hilfe der Deepfake-Technologie konstruiert wurden und durch das Beobachten einer Gruppe menschlicher Darsteller:innen lernen, wie man Drag macht.

Journey Chat: „How to Strand Astronauts on the Moon?” with Halsey Burgund and Francesca Panetta
Im Anschluss an die Journey "How to strand Astronouts on the Moon?" werden Halsey Burgund und Francesca Panetta ihre Arbeit, Perspektiven und Visionen mit den Teilnehmer:innen des Chats vertiefen. Eine der zentralen Fragen ihrer Journey ist, wie digitale Erzählungen, die mit Hilfe von KI-Modellen erstellte Inhalte in ihre Geschichten einbeziehen, mit unserer Wahrnehmung dessen, was real und was gefälscht ist, spielen können und so die Potenziale und Fallstricke der Technologie aufzeigen.

Artificial Intelligence-An introduction
OMAI (AT) – Markus Dorninger (AT) and Josef Dorninger (AT)
This interactive online workshop developed by Viennese artist collective OMAi is aimed at individuals with no prior knowledge of AI technology. Its aim is to introduce the most important terminology needed to develop a deeper understanding of AI.