
Department of Art Education
LOOPS OF WISDOM Exhibition, Kunstuniversität Linz
While modern technology cannot replace the analog world’s haptic experience, it can complement it perfectly. Play with Pixels is an interactive open lab about the smallest part of a digital raster graphic. We zoom into the pixel world to enlarge, illuminate, recombine and make the world of digital images more tangible. Visitors are invited to create their own pixel postcards on site and to send pixelated greetings from downtown to the Open Lab at Kepler’s Garden.

Department of Time-based and Interactive Media Arts
LOOPS OF WISDOM Exhibition, Kunstuniversität Linz
Projects curated by the Department of Time-based and Interactive Media Arts, Kunstuniversität Linz.

Department of Fashion & Technology
LOOPS OF WISDOM Exhibition, Kunstuniversität Linz
Humans’ desire to express through colour dates to prehistoric times. Colours serve as a means of communication and expression, directly triggering feelings of relaxation, as well as tense and intense emotions. An unconscious use of colours and dyes, however, harms the environment tremendously and can be seen in rivers that shimmer in all imaginable colours. Toxic and polluted, they destroy the habitat of living creatures that depend on clean water. But not all coloured waters result from this devastating use.

Infinite Nows
Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Interaction Design Department IAD (CH)
Infinite Nows is showcasing student projects of the Interaction Design department (IAD) at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Probing alternative presents through investigative, speculative and experimental practices, Infinite Nows’ projects reflect the values and approaches of IAD that have been shaped over its 20-year existence. Interaction design is, above, all about the relationality and entanglement of human and non-human actions.

Interface Cult
Department of Interface Cultures
Contemporary artists, designers and inventors are creating new connections and systems, exploring how silicon, organic and even speculatively alien forms of life are entangling, mutating, evolving. What can these new entities and relationships look like? Are they friendships and collaboration, or competitions and conflict? For these new exchanges we need new languages: programmable, aesthetic, interspecies, non-human and post-scientific. The emerging hybrid and cyborg entities join and celebrate shamanistic and nonverbal traditions, hidden cultures, with magical symbols, energies and fictions. A culture or even a cult of symbiosis is required, a fusion between old and new ways of dealing with reality.