Organic fashion: Chemistry and LHBTQ+
Iza Awad (NL)

In a world of rapid consumption, we constantly deplete natural resources to deliver new fashion trends. Iza Awad, a master’s student in chemistry, a joint degree of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and University of Amsterdam, tackled this issue in his research project by producing fabrics from cellulose material that constantly grows in kombucha, a fermented tea drink. Awad also showed that the biopolymer is especially well suited to contain living plants and other photosynthetic organisms.

Dr Jelena Slivka (RS), Dr Nikola Luburic (RS), Jelena Joksimovic (RS), Danijela Vucicevic (RS), Marko Milic (RS)

The video includes various artistic and scientific perspectives on the creative process while working on BINEMA, the winning project of the art+science AI Lab national selection for 2021, done in collaboration with the Clean CaDET AI project funded by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.

Branch Magazine Symposium

Die diesjährige Themenkonferenz geht der Frage nach, wie das Internet unserer kollektiven Freiheit und der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit dienen sollte. Branch Magazine, Gewinner des erstmals vergebenen Ars Electronica Award for Digital Humanity, bietet vier Panels zu den Themen Klimagerechtigkeit, „Solarpunk“, nachhaltige Digitalisierung, Solidarität sowie kohlenstoffarmes Design und Bildung.

What is our digital humanity?
Open Austria Art + Tech Lab (US/AT)

What is our digital humanity? The Ars Electronica Garden Silicon Valley, hosted and curated by the Open Austria Art + Tech Lab, engages with artists curators and cultural facilitators as well as technologists, tech executives, think tanks, diplomats, and policymakers to pose this question in a variety of settings through art panels, workshops, immersive experiences, and keynotes.

Werkleitz Festival 2021 move to …sociosphere ecosphere bodydatasphere
Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V. (DE), Ars Electronica, Linz (AT), Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (FACT), Liverpool (UK), IMPAKT, Utrecht (NL), Antre Peaux, Bourges (FR), LABoral, Gijón (ES), Kontejner, Zagreb (HR), WRO Art Center, Wrocław (PL), RIXC, Riga, (LV), Onassis Stegi, Athens (GR), m-cult, Helsinki (FI)

During the past 4 years, the artists and collectives at 11 institutions of the European Media Art Platform have been researching the most urgent challenges of our age. The virtual closing exhibition will feature 44 works produced with the support of Creative Europe.

Hybrid Knowledge Spaces
Industrial Design Engineering TU Dresden (DE), Communication Networks TU Dresden (DE), Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden (DE), SLUB (DE)

Discover different hybrid knowledge spaces in the TU Dresden garden, from digital communication to material databases to piano playing digital twins!

Where we emerge
Art & Technology Studies Department of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (US)

This year the Art and Technology Studies (ATS) department of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) presents the work of its community through a series of online and in-person events. The ATS garden seeks to engage in a multidisciplinary dialogue and become a physical and virtual space where the SAIC and the Chicago communities can reflect on our roles in this digital world and rethink ways to engage with these digital systems.