Education of Digital 21st Century

Journey to Pristina
Anibar (XK), Lapsi360 (XK), University of Prishtina (XK) Bournemouth University (UK)
This program explores the power of the 360 video in representation of the past as tools in educating the new generations and giving a wider perspective on different narratives to wider audiences.

Those Who Drown Cling to Foam
Urtina Hoxha (XK)
Through stark, intricate animation, Those Who Drown Cling to Foam illustrates the devastating personal account of a family forced to flee their home during the 1999 NATO bombings of Kosovo.

Flaka Kokolli (XK)
Beti, a woman in her late forties, together with her family, is deported by Serbian security forces from her home in the capital of Kosovo to the border village of Bllacë. With war breaking out in 1999, her story of survival is stitched together as the world she knew disintegrates. The seemingly endless cycle of cruelty Beti endures on her journey to a safe haven becomes a collective story of survival.

ALMA Observatory and Fundación Mustakis (CL)
By considering the extreme weather conditions in the Atacama Desert alongside ALMA Observatory, located at more than 5000 metres above sea level, the garden uses the notion of ‘landscape’ in the context of the digital world to rethink how we understand the concept under the influence of the digital revolution.

Neanderthal Programming for Sceptics
Deborah Hustic (HR), Paula Bucar (HR), Damir Prizmic (HR)
The intergenerational online workshop is intended for beginners of all ages willing to delve into the logic of the programming processes

Workshop Nature Data – Creative IoT
Goran Mahovlić (HR)
A Catalogue of Electro Entities is based on the spectrum of diverse ways to engage in the process of interactivity and interactions with electronic devices and objects we create.

Artificial Intelligence-An introduction
OMAI (AT) – Markus Dorninger (AT) and Josef Dorninger (AT)
This interactive online workshop developed by Viennese artist collective OMAi is aimed at individuals with no prior knowledge of AI technology. Its aim is to introduce the most important terminology needed to develop a deeper understanding of AI.

Journey - Rediscovering our Art Culture and Heritage in a Digital Era
PRSTRT – Puerto Rico Science Technology and Research Trust, CHIP – Cultural Heritage Innovation Program (PR)
The Journey "Rediscovering our Art Culture and Heritage in a Digital Era" gives an impression of the garden Puerto Rico and its main topics.

Journey - Tour de Force
Deutsches Hygiene-Museum
The Journey of "Tour de Force" gives an impression of the Garden Dresden and its topics.

Talking About Landscape in the 21st Century
Samuel Domínguez (CL), Leonor Merín (ES), Alicia Pedroso (CL), Valeria Foncea (CL), Diego Lara Koenig (CL), Sergio Martín (ES)
We are presenting a web-learning platform that gathers more than 50 references about our contemporary understanding of landscape. At the behest of Fundación Mustakis, this project was co-curated by Diego Lara Koenig (CL), with Sergio Martín (ES), invited by ALMA Observatory. The live video, with digital modelling and animation by Ming Rang Bai, will be broadcast during the festival.