Ars Electronica Garden London

The View from Somewhere

London College of Communication, University of the Arts London (UK)

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Desktop Cinema Performances from MA Interaction Design at the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London

During the UK lockdown of January 2021, the students of MA Interaction Design at UAL’s London College of Communication were isolated in their homes, most of them having only arrived in the country two months previously. At this time the students started a short practice brief we called ”Desktop Cinema”: a hybrid form of digital performance and filmmaking where the computer desktop acts as a stage using on-screen text files, images, webcams, laptop microphones, and found footage from YouTube as common components of storytelling. For Ars Electronica 2021, we present the desktop cinema performances that the students produced during the long lockdown: a series of moving and personal works captured through the intimate environment that had become their window to the world in their isolation: the desktop. These stories of discovery, loss, hope and mystery remind us that amidst all the reactionary claims that our screens are reducing us to less-than-human, there are deep and intimate aspects of humanity that can be found within them.


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London College of Communication, University of the Arts London