This workshop has a limit number of participants!
Registration deadline for workshops is 24 hours before the workshop starts.

The Internet is characterised by the large-scale collection of our personal data via hidden digital trackers such as cookies. In most cases, this data is used by companies to provide services and personalised advertising. However, the same information is also used for more disturbing purposes. Our digital actions and preferences are elaborated into profiles, shared, sold and used to feed automated decision-making processes, which can result in the denial of a loan or even a job opportunity. The workshop will describe this system, its risks and how the law can be used to fight unfair use of technology.

This workshop is presented in the framework of the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab, which is co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport

Stefano Rossetti (IT): is a lawyer specialising in media law and data protection. After working for a few years at primary law firms in 2019 he joined noyb, where he focuses on strategic litigation on unauthorised online tracking, dark patterns and artificial intelligence. Stefano is also responsible for the noyb’s GdprHub, a free, open-source legal database for users and professionals.