Entangled Realities
Sebastian Pirch (AT), Norbert Unfug (AT), Christiane Hütter (AT), Jörg Menche (DE)

The human species is surrounded by networks. Interrelations shape our physical and digital environment, from airports and cityscapes to social or genetic interactions. An invisible body of connections is interwoven within our physical reality. The digital and physical shall form a symbiotic realm, visualized in a virtual world to be experienced by a human spectator. Through transitioning in between different environments, from urban networks to the human body, the Entangled Realities communicate the diversity of complex systems shaping our human habitat.

Deep Space Selection

Deep Space 8K Selection offers a bilingual overview (German and English) of the highlights from the Ars Electronica Center’s regular Deep Space 8K program.

Earth from Space
ESA (EU), Ars Electronica Solutions (AT)

The view of the Earth from space is the only perspective that allows us to observe changes on our planet. To demonstrate the relevance and value of Earth observation in terms of environmental and socio-economic benefits, the journey takes us to current issues around climate change with a virtual presentation. Satellite images provide the impressive views of the Earth that document and evaluate the changes.

Lecture: Insights into current developments in the field of neurotechnology
g.tec (AT)

g.tec's Michael Schwarzgruber will hold a lecture about the current developments and uses of neurotechnologies, including a presentation of recoveriX.

Erika Mondria (AT)

Your digital brainwaves turn into messages with the neuro-interactive BCI-device “brain-messenger.”

Futurelab Anniversary Day

The Ars Electronica Futurelab turns 25 – a good reason to look back to the future. With Alchemists of the Future, the Ars Electronica Festival presents a hybrid space that connects people to contribute to “A New Digital Deal”.

Pre Opening Walk

On the eve of the Ars Electronica Festival, we'll visit the central locations in downtown Linz on a walking tour.

There Is No Planet B
Global Warming and Human Responsibility

Energie ist die Grundlage für Leben. Kleinste Organismen brauchen sie ebenso wie wir Menschen. Doch nicht nur unser Körper muss mit Energie versorgt werden, sondern auch unsere gesamte Gesellschaft: etwa unsere Elektrogeräte, unsere Transportmittel oder unsere Industrie. Und woher kommt die Energie?

Opera @ Deep Space 8K + Artist talk and Q&A
Erick Oh (US)

Opera is a cycle of a five-minute animation created by the prize-winning filmmaker and artist Erick Oh. Each section is inextricably linked with the activities of the individual characters, ultimately enabling the viewer to enjoy the complex construction of a vibrant pyramid, regardless of which character they watch first.

#rachaelisnotreal @ Deep Space 8K + Artist talk and Q&A
Matthias Winckelmann (DE)

Rachael is the world’s first fully automated autonomous 3D design influencer on Instagram. Since May 2020, Rachael has been posting one new image per day to the Instagram account @rachaellic. She will continue to post without any human intervention for as long as the computer she is running on is online.