Maschine, die auf Gott wartet

Hannes Waldschütz (DE)


Microelectronics, glass, software, 2007

The Maschine, die auf Gott wartet (“Machine that waits for God”) is part of a series of three “waiting machines.” They were activated in Bremen on October 24, 2007, at 6:07 p.m. From this point in time the three machines had been in operation, the Maschine, die auf Gott wartet is still waiting. It’s a microelectronic circuit, built and programmed in order to constantly inquire about the expected event: God must give a signal via a God sensor. An integrated backup power supply guarantees failure-free and uninterrupted functioning.



Hannes Waldschütz (DE) studied digital media at the Hochschule für Künste Bremen and media art at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, where he graduated as a Meisterschüler of Prof. Günther Selichar. He is currently a PhD candidate at the chair of human-computer interaction at Bauhaus University, Weimar. In his artistic works Hannes Waldschütz deals with machines and people with technology and society and shows installations, objects and performances.