Prix Ars Electronica’s new category “Artificial Intelligence & Life Art” sparks discussions about the links between the largely ambiguous notions of “intelligence” and “aliveness.” Jury member, curator, and media theoretician Jens Hauser will reveal the criteria of the jury process and present selected positions out of the 15 award-winning art works. The tour discusses whether the problematic notion of ‘artificiality’ expresses an anthropocentric position, and how artists include innate technical capacities of non-human agents that play a crucial role within a larger bio-semiotic web of trans-species relationships.

Jens Hauser (DE/FR/DK) is a Paris and Copenhagen based media studies scholar and art curator focusing on the interactions between art and technology, trans-genre and hybrid aesthetics. He is a researcher at the University of Copenhagen’s Medical Museion and the Art/Science Chair at the École Polytechnique Paris-Saclay, a distinguished affiliated faculty at Michigan State University where he co-directs the Bridge Art Program, as well as a faculty member at the Department for Image Science at the Danube University Krems, Austria, and guest professor at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.