Joy on the wheels

Qianlun Li (CN)


This project engages with ‘Outsiders,’ an online meeting and dating platform for physically disabled people. For a long time, the sexuality of people with a disability has been often ignored. This project aims to encourage sexual expression in this community and healthy relationships through helping them explore their and their partners’ body.

Joy On The Wheels/Qianlun Li (CN), Credit: Qianlun Li

The installation is a conductive touch board and a vulva model which gives audience different responses when they touch different areas.



Qianlun Li (CN) graduated from the University of Nottingham in China and has worked as both an industrial designer and a graphic designer. She produced the visual and stage design for Ford Road-striker Rally of Car&Go, 2018. She has worked for Benwu studio and Hermes Window Winter, 2018. Currently she is studying the MA Interaction Design Communication at University of the Arts London.