LAN (Live Agent Nest) is a colony of synthetic agents constantly in a state of action. The protocols driving them manifest in behaviors like attraction, repulsion, and forming connections. Their contact with other agents leads to emergent behaviors depending on the agent’s capabilities. After forming connections with other bodies, a network of dialog starts transpiring in these super agents. This flow can be disrupted by the intervention of humans, detected using a camera in the space.
Amay Kataria (IN) (b. 1990) restlessly contemplates the relationship of humans with their socio technological systems. While deconstructing this coexistence, he examines the altered human behavior amidst the fabric of communication and pace of information. Through autopoietic simulations, interactive installations, and kinetic machines, his work inspects themes like ghost (agent) labor, loss of intimacy, commodification of human identity and a self-reflexive flow of power between humans and their technological inventions.