[ir]reverent: Miracles on Demand

Adam Brown (US)

OÖ Kulturquartier
Artificial Intelligence & Life Art




In his research project Adam Brown investigates the influence of invisible microbial agents on human history and its belief systems. He has developed a “miracle on demand” similar to those “divine phenomena” that people believed in for centuries. The artist uses Serratia marcescens, a microorganism that grows on bread and produces a viscous fluid that is very similar to blood.

In a bio-incubator reminiscent of a Catholic monstrance, a host (or wafer) is inoculated drop by drop with the bacterial strain. After two days, microbial growth results in the appearance of prodigiosin (red pigment) and the bread begins to “bleed.”


Project Credits:

Funding provided by:

  • Humanities and Arts Research Program, Michigan State University 
  • The College of Arts and Letters Summer Fellowship, Michigan State University

