Particle Post

Yuri Tanaka (JP), Pavle Dinulović (RS), Umut Kose (TR), Chris Bruckmayr (AT)


Letters from the Universe

We are all in a constant correspondence with the universe. It speaks to us ever so subtly, showering us with invisible remnants of our mutual distant past, across the magnitude of space and time. Yet in the infinitely grand scale of all things universal, one tends to neglect the infinitely small.

Particle Post/Yuri Tanaka (JP), Pavle Dinulović (RS), Umut Kose (TR), Chris Bruckmayr (AT), Credits: Yuri Tanaka, Pavle Dinulović, Umut Kose, Chris Bruckmayr

It is this omnipresent chronicle of the universe that is our most intimate connection to the everywhere and always, shared with us through the smallest of postcards and parcels. Within the journey of each traveling particle there lies a piece of a common history, a memoir of a voyage spanning billions of years, connecting us, in this very point in space and time, to the dawn of our universe.

Receiving cosmic muons (one of the fundamental particles constantly created by the interactions of the cosmic rays at the top of the atmosphere) through a scintillator detector, this postbox subtly emits sound and light as a direct consequence of every particle it detects. It is through this process that the implied aesthetics of the unperceivable are explored, as are the means by which it could be indirectly appreciated in different ways through the bodies and minds of humans.


Project Credits: 

  • This work is granted by Nomura Foundation, THE ASAHI SHIMBUN FOUNDATION, and JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19K13027
  • This work is made with FMOD Studio by Firelight Technologies Pty Ltd., and uses the Unreal® Engine. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998 – 2019, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.


Yuri Tanaka (JP) is a postdoctoral researcher at Tokyo University of the Arts, a visiting scientist at CERN, a mediator within her research theme on cosmic art, and the head of the Cosmic Art Research Committee. She has been pursuing to create a diverse collaboration mediated by “the universe” as a mutually acceptable idea among different individuals, mostly in public spaces or in art/science festivals.

Pavle Dinulović (RS) studied sound recording and design at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. He works as a sound designer and music composer for video games, film, radio, and live events. He was awarded the Gold Medal PQ 2015 for Provoking a Dialogue and co-authored the winning experience titled Stroganj at the first hyper-reality hackathon in the world. He works as a teaching assistant at the FDA.

Umut Kose (TR) is an experimental physicist specializing in neutrino physics and detector technologies. Since 2014, he has worked with the CERN Neutrino Platform for R&D activities towards a new generation of neutrino detectors. He has also collaborated on short baseline and long baseline neutrino programs. In his spare time, he enjoys art in science activities such as *Fluidic Data* @ CERN.

Chris Bruckmayr (AT) studied communication science at Vienna University. He has been director of products at Ars Electronica Solutions since 2018. From 2013-17, he was business manager and creative producer on the Ars Electronica SPAXELS® crew. He is a sound and performance artist and has performed at the Ars Electronica Festival 2015-18. He produces dark techno under the name raum.null  and is co-founder of the radical performance group Fuckhead.