
Wed Sep 4, 2019, 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).
St. Mary's Cathedral, LENTOS Art Museum Linz, Linz Art University, Ars Electronica Center
Admission free!

Before the festival officially begins, locals are invited to an inaugural tour, a pre-opening, on Wednesday evening. Four Ars Electronica 2019 locations may be visited early: the New Cathedral Linz (4 p.m.), the LENTOS Art Museum (5 p.m.), the University of Art and Design (6.30 p.m.) and the new Ars Electronica Center (8 p.m.):

YAIR – Your Art Is Reality (DE): Unleash

  • 4 p.m. / New Cathedral Linz
    Everyone should own art and be able to access it from anywhere. That’s the vision of YAIR, a Berlin startup that wants to unite media art with the art market, thereby relying on the blockchain: The Art is the Token. The Token is the Product. The Product is the Art. In the New Cathedral Linz, YAIR presents works by Julius von Bismarck (GER), Wu Juehui (CN), Yan Lei (GER), Maria Marshall (CH/UK), and Robert Montgomery (UK) exploring the open question of human omnipotence. The show’s title: “Unleash.”

ARS and the City

  • 5 p.m. / LENTOS Art Museum
    In the city, with the city, for the city: “ARS and the City” is the motto of the show in the LENTOS Art Museum. The focus rests on legendary art projects from the past four decades, projects that still spark discussion today, and not just in Linz. In the LENTOS art museum auditorium, Uwe Rieger and Yinan Liu from the arc/sec lab “LightWing II” present a spectacular interactive installation that superimposes stereoscopic 3D projections and spatial sounds onto a kinetic construction. Bauhaus University Weimar: Shared Habitats

Bauhaus University Weimar: Shared Habitats

  • 6.30 p.m. / Art University Linz
    The tour continues at Hauptplatz with the university that this year plays host to the “Ars Electronica Campus”: On the occasion of the institution’s hundredth anniversary, students and professors from the renowned Bauhaus University Weimar will present a major exhibition on the theme of “Shared Habitats.”

COMPASS – Navigating the Future

  • 8 p.m. / Ars Electronica Center
    Then we make our way across the Danube to the last stop on this grand evening before the festival: Under the banner “COMPASS – Navigating the Future,” everything in the completely redesigned Ars Electronica Center will focus on the coming revolution, sparked by artificial intelligence, and its impact on our lives and on our perceptions of ourselves as human beings.