In the Lab: Processing Fashion

Fashion & Technology, University of Art and Design Linz (AT)


With its inhumane and environmentally destructive production methods, fast fashion has long since surpassed all boundaries. Fashion & Technology offers alternatives to the system with new, sustainable processes. The participatory workshop situation *In the Lab: Processing Fashion* aims to make them visible and tangible. Material development, shaping techniques and design processes that take place before product solutions, are the focus of attention.

The Fashion & Technology students’ examples range from a reinterpretation of traditional craft techniques through biochemical kitchen experiments to the emergence-and death-of digital bodies. In a laboratory situation in POSTCITY, these projects are playfully and seriously investigated.

Fashion & Technology is a bachelor’s and master’s program for contemporary fashion design at the Art University Linz.

Project Credits:

  • Fashion & Technology bachelor and master program for contemporary fashion design at the University for Art and Design Linz.


Fashion & Technology is a bachelor’s and master’s program for contemporary fashion design at the University for Art and Design Linz. The internationally oriented study is aimed at people who think, act and research experimentally and sustainably. Students currently come from ninenteen nations.

Since the winter semester of 2015, Fashion & Technology offers a bachelor’s program. As of March 2019, it has a master’s program.