SandBox – Grains in Memory

Adriana Moreno (BR)

POSTCITY, First Floor, CAMPUS EXHIBITION @POSTCITY, located next to Open Futurelab OG1

Sandbox is an interactive art installation that proposes continuous reflections on the human relationship between the sea and its identity paths. The installation consists of a corpus of sound memories based on the experiences of people who narrate their relationships of belonging with the sea. Memories – both “soundscapes”, a concept adapted from Schafer referring to sounds in the marine environment, and oral narratives recorded during fieldwork – are then revealed by moving wet sand in an instrumented box.



Adriana Moreno is a researcher, artist and PhD student in Fine Arts at the University of Lisbon. She is a member of the research groups Ama [Z] oom Cultural Observatory of the Amazon and the Caribbean and of Artefacto Group of Studies and Research in Art and Technology, both by UFRR; as well as a collaborator of CIEBA and ITI/LARSYS. She is developing research in digital art and collaborates with the ARTiVIS project and with Plasticus Maritimus, with the aim of developing hybrid frontier installations on the edge of activism, sustainability and intervention art.