In the study of the universe, light is the one of the main sources of information accessible to us. Using satellites and telescopes, we collect the light of astronomical objects. First, each object appears as a single cloud of light. In the closer analysis of light, we recognize its nature and can distinguish stars from galaxies. In the virtual environment, numerical satellite data is translated into light sculptures and light is made tangible by haptic stimuli.
Annika Kreikenbohm (b. 1987) first studied physics at the universities of Kiel and Würzburg, Germany. She finished her PhD in Astronomy in 2019 and worked as a scientist at various research facilities such as ESA, NASA, or ESO. While exploring the universe, she became curious about communicating science to the public. So in 2015 she began studying communication design at the University of Applied Sciences in Würzburg. Her focus is on interactive and generative design based on science and data.