the shell

Amir Bastan (IR), Johannes Braumann (AT)


Bilateral Mimicry

To avoid observation and discovery, animals camouflage themselves by sending misleading signals to other living beings. This process, called crypsis, is a skill. But they can also imitate the abilities of other animals. This behavior is called mimicry. the shell tells different stories on both sides of a monitor: bilateral mimicry.


Project Credits:

  • With the support of the University of Art and Design Linz,
  • Creative Robotics, KUKA CEE, Grand Garage


Amir Bastan (IR): As a new media artist with a background in fine arts and philosophy, he explores the conflict between the conscious and the subconscious. He realizes his works by designing narratives through real-time processes.

Johannes Braumann (AT) is professor for Creative Robotics at the University for Arts and Design and co-founder of the Association for Robots in Architecture.