This is the fifth consecutive year that ZusammenHelfen in Oberösterreich – Gemeinsam für geflüchtete Menschen is staging a conference for all those who are committed to and interested in helping people forced to flee, or are affected by refugees and integration.
This year’s conclave entitled “Day of Encouragement” will scrutinize new prospects, discuss the latest developments and challenges, and elaborate on successful projects. One inspiring speaker on the program is Jad Turjman, who will recount anecdotes from his life as described in his book Wenn der Jasmin auswandert. Dirk Baier, head of the Institute for Delinquency and criminal prevention of the University of Zurich and the communication project #ichbinhier will also enrich the conference.
Saturday, 7. September 2019 – Registration required, more information here.
10:15 Beginn & Opening – Rudi Anschober, Regional Minister of Integration, Upper Austria, Gerfried Stocker, Artistic Director Ars Electronica
10:45 „When the jasmine emigrates“ – Jad Turjman, Author
11:10 #wirsindooe: Presentation of the campaign [We are Upper Austria] –Rudi Anschober, Regional Minister of Integration, Upper Austria
11:35 „People from Afghanistan“ – Update on the current emphasis on integration in Upper Austria – Projects presented by JAAPO, Diözese Linz, SOS-Menschenrechte & Diakoniewerk OÖ
12:10 Panel discussion: „Integration policy in Austria and the European Union“
13:20 Lunch break
14:00 „Migration and crime – facts, background, solutions“ – Dirk Baier, Professor, University of Zurich
15:10 The association for young African and other diaspora „MIGRAFRICA“ – Ammanuel Amare, Director
15:45 #ichbinhier – How to combat hate online? – Alex Urban, Leader of the action group of #ichbinhier
16:15 Tombola, closing and future perspectives – Rudi Anschober, Regional Minister of Integration, Upper Austria
16:30 Food, drinks and networking
17:00 Guided Tour Ars Electronica Festival 2019 – Registration required!