Sound Installations
Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz (AT)

Dive deep into immersive electronic music with the 20.4 system of the Sonic Lab. This is a concert designed to perceive spatial music selected from the Call for Contributions. The program shows a variety of styles of multichannel music from around the world.

Sonic Saturday: Medium Sonorum Concert
Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz (AT)

Dive deep into immersive electronic music with the 20.4 system of the Sonic Lab. This is a concert designed to perceive spatial music selected from the Call for Contributions. The program shows a variety of styles of multichannel music from around the world.

Introducing SADISS, a tool for bundling smartphones into monumental yet intricate sound systems or choirs
Lukas Bindeus, Mathias Bindeus, Isabella Forciniti (IT), Volkmar Klien (AT), Tobias Leibetseder (AT) and Astrid Schwarz (AT)

The workshop presents a hands-on introduction to SADISS, a web-based application developed in the research project "The Choir & the Sound System" at Anton Bruckner Private University. SADISS enables socially aggregated, digitally integrated sound systems to create two different forms of portable seas of sound.

Perceiving augmented sound field: the Hybrid Audio Diffusion System (HADS)
Enrique Mendoza (MX)

The HADS is a monitoring system design that combines open headphones and speaker arrays to create augmented immersive sound fields. Combining the egocentric frame of reference fixed to the head (with headphones) and the allocentric frame of reference fixed to the room (with a 20.4 speaker array), the workshop focuses on presenting participants with multiple frames of reference in an immersive 3D Audio experience

OTTOsonics: designing an accessible ambisonics venue
Manuel Mitterhuber (AT), Rojin Sharafi (IR) & Enrique Tomás (ES)

OTTOsonics is a collective project by sound artists, developers, scholars and sound engineers working on accessible audio technologies for immersive sound production. Putting the focus on the needs of artists as well as non-specialized cultural and educational institutions, our objective is facilitating the use of immersive audio. In this workshop we will introduce and discuss our methods towards designing, building and maintaining an accessible high-density array of 3D-printed loudspeakers (100 speakers or more).

Sound Campus
University of Art and Design Linz (AT)

For three days, Sound Campus will create a field of action in the courtyard at Hauptplatz 6 for experimental music, installative space-sound concerts, performances, soundscape and DJ sessions, as well as open encounters in workshops, discussions and presentations as part of Ars Electronica.

Klaus Spiess (AT), Ulla Rauter (AT), Emanuel Gollob (AT), Rotraud Kern (AT)

Bis zum Jahr 2100 werden ein Drittel der biologischen Arten und neun Zehntel der Sprachen verschwunden sein. Unter dem Eindruck dieses gleichzeitigen Rückgangs der Vielfalt entwerfen wir ECOLALIA, eine Poesie des Aussterbens und Verschwindens, als einen tiefgreifenden Lernprozess, ausgehend von einer Echtzeit-Chemo-Vibrationskonditionierung der oralen Mikroben. Die Zuhörer*innen stimmen ihre Sprachlaute visuell und akustisch auf das Leben und Sterben ihrer fragilen Mundflora ab und werden so zu zweisprachigen Co-Autoren des Postanthropozäns.

Have You Seen Her...?
Dora Ytzell Bartilotti (MX)

Ein partizipatorisches Kunstwerk, das eine poetische Geste, zeugend von der Suche und der kollektiven Forderung, unsere verschwundenen Frauen, die Opfer von erzwungenem Verschwinden in Mexiko geworden sind, präsent zu machen. Das Projekt versucht mit Hilfe einer Klangskulptur sowie einer Reihe von Stoffstreifen eine Polyphonie von Stimmen rund um die Frage "La has visto...?" (“Have you seen her...?”) zusammenzubringen. Jeder Streifen entspricht einer fehlenden Identität, jeder von ihnen der Frage: "La has visto?"