for Music Lovers
Journey into Quantum Music
LP Duo (RS/NL)
Das LP Duo (RS/NL), Sonja Lončar und Andrija Pavlović, führen Kompositionen für Hybridklaviere auf dem Bösendorfer Imperial 290 CEUS vor.
Beyond Quantum Music — LP Duo
Sonja Lončar (RS/NL), Andrija Pavlović (RS/NL), Incredible Bob (RS)
LP Duo will premiere new original compositions written for two hybrid pianos within the art and science project Beyond Quantum Music and during their residency at the Kavli Institute — Quantum Nanoscience and Bionanoscience department (Technical University in Delft, Netherlands)
Listening Room
Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz (AT)
During the Symposium the ABPU’s ProduktionsStudio will become the space for the Listening Room. A studio with a 20.2 speaker array that will allow visitors to perceive multichannel music in a relaxed way. Visitors can enter, exit, and move freely through the space, perceiving 30 selected fixed-media pieces from the call for contributions.