Iván Flores Arancibia (CL), Jonathan Barichivich (CL), María Jesús Román (CL), Antonio Lara (CL), Rocío Urrutia (CL), Alejandro Albornoz (CL), Cristian Arriagada (CL), Elisa Figueroa (CL), Claudio Lavados (CL), Cristobal Flores (CL), Jorge Perez de Arce (CL)
The oldest living tree on Earth could be the Lañilawal tree in southern Chile. The Alerce Milenario remains in the mode of a deferred time removed from the time scale of humans. How to show the pulse of this life? Bringing together a group of artists and scientists, the Lañilawal project is an approach to get a glimpse of this living time capsule with the purpose of understanding its message.