Prix Day
SUN, September 11

The Prix Ars Electronica is the world’s most time-honored media arts competition since 1987, and from its inception, it has kept working as a trend barometer that continues to change with the times. Along with the CyberArts exhibition, the Prix Forum is always one of highlights of the Ars Electronica Festival and a great opportunity to get to know the Prix Ars Electronica winning artists.

SAT, September 10

In keeping with the festival theme, both speakers and audiences of the STUDIOTOPIA Day conference program are challenged to reflect creatively and critically about ecological and sociopolitical implications of the Anthropocene.

FRI, September 9

Guided by the belief that artistic perspectives can contribute to innovation beyond the arts and culture realm, the S+T+ARTS initiative of the European Commission strives to give artists a leading role in research and innovation activities with an impact on industry and society.  Through a series of talks, discussions, and networking events the conference addresses the ways in which Innovation through art-driven interdisciplinary collaborations can contribute to mapping responsibilities as well as solutions for challenges posed in both the digital and the analogue world.

Futurelab Day
THU, September 8

The Ars Electronica Futurelab is the think-and-do tank of the Ars Electronica, developing new concepts for an autonomous future society in an inspiring field of tension between disciplines and transnational cooperation, all the while placing humans at the center of its research.

Welcome Day
WED, September 7

The title Welcome to Planet B allows for many interpretations on alternative forms of coexistence. Are we perhaps already living in different parallel worlds?