Photo: Markus Wipplinger

AE Solutions @ Festival 2023

Who Owns the Truth?

Ars Electronica Solutions, in collaboration with ESA, FFG, DLR und Garamantis an interactive meeting zone for the Ars Electronica Festival 2023. A highlight was the Mini Deep Space, a scale replica of the Ars Electronica Deep Space.

Additionally, projects by and with partners were presented in the Deep Space: The Sensuality of Spaces & Science Experience, Beauty & Vulnerability, Beauty & Vulnerability, und ESA – Climate Office. In the Community Space of the exhibition, Salon Talks covered topics such as the Transfer of Knowledge, Sustainable Transformation of Climate Data, Sensuality of Spaces. Ars Electronica Solutions drew on its experiences from past and ongoing projects to provide diverse perspectives on the complex challenges of knowledge transfer.

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Ars Electronica Solutions
Peter-Behrens-Platz 8
Tabakfabrik Linz, Haus Casablanca, Stiege C, 3. Stock
4020 Linz Österreich

Tel. : +43.732.7272.35