Credit: Ory Laboratory, inc.

Avatar Robot Cafe DAWN ver.β

Ory Lab Inc., OYAMATSU Design Studio, TASUKI Inc.

Honorary Mention

Besucher*innen des „Avatar Robot Café“ werden remote bedient. Über die Personalagentur „Avatar Guild“ können sich User*innen als Kellner*innen bewerben und ihre Kund*innen dann mittels Roboter wie „OriHime“ und „OriHime-D“ bedienen, ohne vor Ort zu sein. Auf innovative Weise will das „Dawn Avatar Robot Café“ ausloten und zeigen, welche technologischen Hilfsmittel es braucht, damit Menschen, die sich aufgrund psychischer oder physischer Erkrankungen oder Beeinträchtigungen nur eingeschränkt bewegen können, besser am Arbeits- bzw. Gesellschaftsleben teilhaben können.

Credit: Ory Laboratory, inc.


Ory Lab Inc.
OYAMATSU Design Studio

Sponsored by:
NTT Corporation,;
Biogen Japan Ltd.;
Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.,;
charity by crowdfunding ”CAMPFIRE” by 2156ppl ¥44,587,000,


Ory Yoshifuji (JP) At the age of 17, after three and a half years of social isolation, he decided to devote his life to the elimination of human loneliness, and in 2010 he revealed OriHime, a robot that is an avatar (another body), a tool to abolish loneliness and enable social participation even when it is difficult to go out. Since then he has helped to form roles for people who have lost contact with society and were isolated, and ways of employment at companies that want to hire people with disabilities, resulting in many of them getting jobs at private companies and public offices.

Jury Statement

To have one’s own role in society and to be appreciated and relied upon by others, with or without a disability: these are the reasons for one’s existence and the meaning of life that everyone desires. And everyone wishes to control their own life as much as possible until the very end. Ory Yoshifuji developed the avatar robot OriHime with the theme of “the end of loneliness” as the theme of his own life, and carefully repeated prototyping to meet the user’s motives. OriHime has brought a social body to people with disabilities and a place to operate a café that was not an algorithm-generated healing space, but a space that connected living people with each other. The café also employs 60 physically challenged people and is a social home for the avatar pilots, who are also co-developers of the avatar robot, where there is no distinction at all between healthy and physically challenged people. It is a place full of warmth where guests come to enjoy conversation with avatar and delicious food. The café is a place where people are constantly laughing, where OriHime pilots and visitors exchange more human-like banter than human beings, and where the joy of people is shared. The café was highly rated for its inclusive approach to solving social issues by creating a secure space and a community. We also have great expectations for its future aim toward a world where people can care for themselves in an era of accelerating super-aging society.

View full Jury Statement here.