NeuroSpeculative AfroFeminism is a transmedia exploration told through speculative product design, emerging technologies, cognitive research, and transhumanism. Created by and for women of color, Hyphen-Labs presents a multi-layered possible future that transcends the constraints of the present; a realm which The New Yorker has called “another plane of consciousness.”
GreenCake Blocks are high-quality, low-cost, and environmentally friendly bricks.
The Digital Shaman Project proposes a new mode of mourning in keeping with the technical advances of today.
We made clothes using the system DeepWear through a series of designs, such as design by deep learning, patterning by patterners, and creation of costumes. With this DeepWear, it is possible to inherit the design in clothing without depending on the designer.
Commissioned to work with SALT Research collections, artist Refik Anadol employed machine learning algorithms to search and sort relations among 1,700,000 documents. Interactions of the multidimensional data found in the archives are, in turn, translated into an immersive media installation.
Alter is a robot developed for the purpose of exploring what it means to be “life-like.” Alter appears to be a machine that has been stripped bare. However, it expresses life-likeness through complex movements. These movements may look haphazard, but change constantly due to the underlying algorithm that mimics the logic of neural circuits of…
The Institute of Isolation is an observational documentary that contemplates whether isolation; or more broadly speaking, extreme experience, can be used as a gateway to training human resilience. enables artists, programmers, technical artists, and professors from all over the world to create visuals with code, and then share their work while learning from other creators.
Printed Paper Actuator is the project that achieves a low cost, reversible and electrical actuation and sensing method. This method that requires simple and easy fabrication steps enables our paper actuator to achieve different types of motion and even various electrical sensing abilities: touch sensing, slider, and self-bending-angle detection.
phosphere is an exploratory harmonization of two distinct spaces—a dance stage and an installation component—into one performative spatial whole.
Making Sense was designed to show how open-source software, open-source hardware, digital maker practices and open-source design could be used effectively by local communities to appropriate their own sensing tools to make sense of their environments, and address environmental problems, mainly in air pollution, noise and nuclear radiation.
FluidSolids® is an innovation that makes it possible to transform organic waste into biocomposites. A technology platform designed for the circular economy.