It is an open secret that the hardware in our smart devices contains not only plastics but also ‘conflict minerals’ such as copper and gold. Technology is not neutral. We investigate alternative hardware from locally sourced materials from a feminist perspective, to develop and speculate upon renewable practices.
Nishikigoi NFT is a project that supports diverse cultures by connecting art and technology with local communities. We work to create a new type of community that uses blockchain technology to preserve the vital local resources that we need to live.
The VRJ Palestine initiative (Virtual Reality Journey to pre-Nakba Palestine) delves into the potential and challenges of Virtual Reality tools to reclaim and recapture Nakba’s lost landscapes. Using archival data and survivors‘ accounts to virtually reconstruct the Palestinian villages demolished in 1948, it aims to preserve intergenerational memories conveyed through stories and photos.
Although money plays a key role in our lives, the workings of our monetary and financial system are a mystery to most of us. The Waterworks of Money demystifies the world of big finance by visualizing the flow of money through our society. It explores several options for improvement using new technologies—with the ultimate goal…
Self-Care is a multi-media artwork and installation exploring notions of care, labor, intergenerational trauma, and bodies, as well as the impact of the gender binary on so-called “female” healthcare. Self-Care aims to critically examine notions of care, the role of gender in medicine, ableism, and familial relationships surrounding notions of disease. The project attempts to…
Inspired by a speculative project by architect Rem Koolhaas—who planned to bring a museum inside a data center—but reversing it by bringing a data center inside a museum, P2P celebrates peer communities created by artists who have used the internet to share works and knowledge over the last twenty years.
METABOLICA opens up the factory of life and in five chapters tells a story of change from the industrial revolution to the present and future, from whaling and petromodernity to current and future scenarios of biochemistry. Living organisms such as algae and bacteria become collaborators that lead to a new aesthetic and artistic practice through…
Maria CHOIR is an immersive human-AI musical installation that invites participants to explore the boundaries of singing and listening through real-time interaction with an AI. This artwork leverages a model trained on the voice of singer Maria Arnal, enabling a unique duet between visitor and AI that evolves with each interaction, becoming a choir.
The project explores the relationship between humans and machines, the map maker, and the map, looking closely at the remote-sensing infrastructures, and their problematics as well as questioning maps and mapping processes to detect changes in the landscape that are occurring daily due to the ongoing Russian war in Ukraine. Transforming satellite images into maps…
How (not) to get hit by a self-driving car is a game installation that challenges people to cross the street without being detected by an AI. In the experience, players see themselves augmented on a large screen at the end of a playing field, simulating the perspective of an AI-powered camera of a self-driving car.…
The Urban Biotope project operates on the borderline between human and non-human habitats. The 15 cm thick concrete screens for the building envelope create an interconnected cellular space for various biological species, surrounding the building with a self-sufficient ecosystem. Carefully sized cavities provide a favorable environment for various species of plants, insects, and nesting birds.
The destruction and subsequent occupation of Mariupol by the Russian Armed Forces have fragmented its communities, leaving most survivors dispersed across different regions of Ukraine and other parts of Europe, and the city beyond reconstruction. This project looks at the bombing of the Mariupol Drama Theater as an emblem of Russia’s strategies of terror. Our…