Die Preisträger*innen 2022

Photo: tom mesic

Das sind die Preisträger*innen des S+T+ARTS Prize – Grand prize of the European Commission honoring Innovation in Technology, Industry and Society stimulated by the Arts.

Grand Prizes 2022

  • Antarctic Resolution

    Antarctic Resolution

    Giulia Foscari (IT) & UNLESS

    Grand Prize – Innovative Collaboration: Awarded for innovative collaboration between industry or technology and the arts that opens new pathways for innovation. Auf die Antarktis entfallen 10 Prozent der Landmasse, 70 Prozent des Süßwassers und 90 Prozent des Eises des Planeten Erde. Sie bildet die größte Fundgrube für wissenschaftliche Daten über unsere Klimageschichte und damit…

  • Holly+


    Holly Herndon, Mathew Dryhurst, Herndon Dryhurst Studio (US)

    Grand Prize – Artistic Exploration: Awarded for artistic exploration and art works where appropriation by the arts has a strong potential to influence or alter the use, deployment or perception of technology. Mit „Holly+“ hat die Künstlerin Holly Herndon ihren digitalen Zwilling geschaffen, den jede*r nutzen kann, um Musik zu machen. Ihr „Holly+“-Instrument macht es…

Honorary Mentions 2022

  • A sun architecture – The party is in full swing

    A sun architecture – The party is in full swing

    Stéphane Bonnard, KompleX KapharnaüM

    Honorary Mention www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DA7REdf8BI Das Einschalten eines Geräts ist heute eine automatische Geste. Um diese Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der wir Energie verbrauchen zu überdenken, versuchen Stéphane Bonnard und KompleX KapharnaüM unser Bewusstsein dafür zu schärfen, wieviel Aufwand nötig ist, um Energie zu erzeugen und werfen nicht zuletzt eine politische Frage auf: Wenn Energie nur mehr begrenzt verfügbar…

  • Ambient Weaving

    Ambient Weaving

    Hosoo Co., Ltd., Yasuaki Kakehi Lab, The University of Tokyo, ZOZO NEXT, Inc.

    Honorary Mention In its pursuit of beauty for over 1,200 years, with its distinctive structures and design, HOSOO’s Nishijin textiles have a rich history of pushing innovation by incorporating technology. This research project named Ambient Weaving aims to complement this by experimenting with the use of Nishijin textile as a medium for representing characteristics taken…

  • Avatar Robot Cafe DAWN ver.β

    Avatar Robot Cafe DAWN ver.β

    Ory Lab Inc., OYAMATSU Design Studio, TASUKI Inc.

    Honorary Mention https://dawn2021.orylab.com/en/ https://orylab.com/en/ youtu.be/vj1z6HEAkYY Besucherinnen des „Avatar Robot Café“ werden remote bedient. Über die Personalagentur „Avatar Guild“ können sich Userinnen als Kellnerinnen bewerben und ihre Kundinnen dann mittels Roboter wie „OriHime“ und „OriHime-D“ bedienen, ohne vor Ort zu sein. Auf innovative Weise will das „Dawn Avatar Robot Café“ ausloten und zeigen, welche technologischen Hilfsmittel…

  • Cleaning Emotional Data

    Cleaning Emotional Data

    Elisa Giardina Papa

    Honorary Mention http://www.elisagiardinapapa.org „Cleaning Emotional Data“ ist eine Drei-Kanal-Videoinstallation, die sich den schlecht bezahlten Mikroarbeiter*innen in aller Welt widmet, die Daten „bereinigen“ um Algorithmen zur Erkennung von Emotionen zu trainieren. Zu ihren Aufgaben zählen das Beschriften, Kommentieren und Validieren großer Datenmengen, die das Funktionieren von KI-Systemen überhaupt erst möglich machen. 2019 arbeitete die Künstlerin selbst…

  • Digital Violence: How the NSO Group Enables State Terror

    Digital Violence: How the NSO Group Enables State Terror

    Forensic Architecture in collaboration with Laura Poitras/Praxis Films

    Honorary Mention Mit „Digital Violence: How the NSO Group Enables State Terror” widmet sich das Künstlerinnenkollektiv „Forensic Architecture“ der Malware Pegasus. Die von der israelischen Cyberwaffenfirma NSO Group entwickelte Software wird weltweit gegen (Menschenrechts-)Aktivistinnen und Journalistinnen eingesetzt, „Forensic Architecture“ wollen Ausmaß und Auswirkungen verdeutlichen. Sie entwickelten eine navigierbare digitale Plattform, auf der sie in zahlreichen…

  • Inanimate Species

    Inanimate Species

    Joana Moll

    Honorary Mention 1971 entwickelte eine Gruppe internationaler Ingenieur*innen mit dem „Intel 4004“ den ersten kommerziellen Mikroprozessor überhaupt. Dieses Ereignis markierte einen entscheidenden Moment in der jüngeren Geschichte, war es doch zum ersten Mal möglich, einem unbelebten Objekt etwas wie „Intelligenz“ zu verleihen. Es brach eine neue Ära in der technologischen Entwicklung an, die gleichzeitig einen…

  • Mikromedas AdS/CFT 001

    Mikromedas AdS/CFT 001

    Valery Vermeulen, Concertgebouw Brugge, Baltan Laboratories

    Honorary Mention „Mikromedas AdS/CFT 001“ ist ein 45-minütiges Musikstück, mit dem sich der belgische Künstler Valery Vermeulen mit Schwarzen Löchern befasst. Die Musik wurde aus Gravitationswellendaten, Elementarteilchenflugbahndaten aus der Nähe von Schwarzen Löchern und Beobachtungsdaten von Weißen Zwergen komponiert. Das Stück kann als Musikkonzert, audiovisuelle Live-Show oder audiovisuelle Installation präsentiert werden. Erstmals veröffentlicht wurde das…

  • The Exploded View Beyond Building

    The Exploded View Beyond Building

    Biobased Creations, Pascal Leboucq & Lucas De Man

    Honorary Mention „The Exploded View Beyond Building“ ist eine ikonische Ausstellung in Gestalt eines Hauses, das ausschließlich aus biobasierten Materialien besteht und von den Kreislaufbaumethoden und der Wertschöpfungskette erzählt, aus der es hervorging. Das prototypische Projekt will verdeutlichen, was in Sachen Bauen mit der Natur bereits jetzt und was in naher Zukunft alles möglich sein…

  • The Plant Intelligence Plan

    The Plant Intelligence Plan

    Zhang Tianyi

    Honorary Mention Mit ihrem Projekt „The Plant Intelligence Plan“ widmet sich Tianyi Zhang der Intelligenz von Pflanzen. Sie nutzt biotechnologische Werkzeuge und Materialien, um die ökologischen Beziehungen zwischen kommerziell gezüchteten Nutzpflanzen und Tieren wiederherzustellen. Mit ihrem Projekt plädiert Tianyi Zhang für einen sorgsamen und respektvollen Umgang mit Pflanzen und meint damit nicht bloß einen besseren…



    Gijs Schalkx

    Honorary Mention Warum sich auf große Konzerne und ihre Versprechen verlassen, die Welt zu retten, wenn man es selbst tun kann? Der Niederländer Gijs Schalkx hat sich überlegt, wie der Verbrennungsmotor von Fahrzeugen auch in einer Zukunft ohne fossile Brennstoffe weiterexistieren kann. Sein Ergebnis ist der „Slootmotor“, der von lokal verfügbaren Energiequellen angetrieben wird, die…

Nominations 2022

  • Alone Together

    Alone Together

    Anna Anderegg, Swan Park, Marco Barotti, Sara Kim

    Nomination Alone Together is a performative piece and a film, by Swiss choreographer Anna Anderegg. It was premiered at the Gwangju Biennale in April 2021. The work was created with a team of artists from Europe and South Korea. For 30 years, we have seen the Internet gradually seeping into every corner of our lives.…

  • Digital SUPERPOWER!

    Digital SUPERPOWER!

    Ling Tan, SUPERPOWER!

    Nomination SUPERPOWER! is a community-led initiative that enables groups of people/communities to make sense of self-determined and complex urban issues in their environment via their own subjective perception. Participants use a set of social, gesture-driven, and data-collecting wearables to devise data experiments that capture their own perception of the issue in the form of subtle…

  • Ent-


    Libby Heaney

    Nomination Quantum computers are being intensely pursued by big tech companies, but they are not yet in the public’s consciousness. When fully developed, their immense processing power will undoubtedly change the world, enabling humans to see deeper into reality than ever before. This project aims to raise awareness around quantum computing through new visual languages…

  • Entanglement



    Nomination Entanglement explores the materiality of data and the interwoven human, environmental, and cultural impacts of information and communication technologies. It highlights how data production and consumption territorialize the physical landscape and examines Ireland’s place in the pan-national evolution of data infrastructure by foregrounding the material footprint of the internet and cloud services. The story…

  • Gran Turismo Sophy

    Gran Turismo Sophy

    Pete Wurman and the teams at Sony AI, Polyphony Digital and Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

    Nomination Gran Turismo SophyTM (GT Sophy) is a breakthrough in AI featured as a cover article in the Feb 10, 2022 edition of Nature. Sony AI in partnership with Polyphony Digital, maker of Gran Turismo and Sony Interactive Entertainment, which provided the cloud infrastructure for massive scale AI training, developed a revolutionary superhuman autonomous AI…

  • Key Workers. Migrants’ contribution to the COVID-19 response

    Key Workers. Migrants’ contribution to the COVID-19 response

    Federica Fragapane, Alex Piacentini, Marta Foresti

    Nomination Key workers is a data visualization project designed with ODI. It aims to create a visual narrative of migrant workers’ contributions to the COVID-19 response, showing examples of reforms, new initiatives and campaigns on their contributions in healthcare and beyond. The project’s core element is represented by trees as a visual metaphor for growing…

  • LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM (Ecosystem Services Estimation Experiment)

    LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM (Ecosystem Services Estimation Experiment)

    DISNOVATION.ORG (Maria Roszkowska, Nicolas Maigret & Baruch Gottlieb)

    Nomination http://disnovation.org/lss.php This artistic provocation seeks to estimate the orders of magnitude of critical ecosystem services fundamental to all planetary life processes. It is common to describe our relationships with society, the world, and the biosphere with metaphors from economics, which has specific understandings of value. Today’s prevailing economics conventions are unable to recognize intrinsic…

  • Neo Stone Age

    Neo Stone Age

    Erco Lai

    Nomination The concrete industry is at the root of several environmental issues; high CO2 emissions in several parts of the production chain, pollution related to mining, and biodiversity loss in a world more and more covered by concrete. We are in urgent need of alternatives to build in more harmony with our surroundings. What can…

  • Political Atmospherics

    Political Atmospherics

    Manifest Data Lab

    Nomination Political Atmospherics consists of 3 x large 3D printed models of atmospheric CO2 derived from climate data and 2 projections that animate the same information as a group of connected works. These works construct geographic topographies producing bitter-sweet crustal geologies, scars, ridges, and archipelagos of carbon emissions, that describe how a focus on extraction…

  • Project PLATEAU

    Project PLATEAU

    Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

    Nomination A project led by Japan’s MLIT: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to develop and open data on 3D city models throughout Japan. The project aims to make urban policy sustainable, human-centric, and agile through the development of 3D city models, use cases, and promotion of their use. The goal is not just…

  • Quorum Sensing: Skin Flora Signal System

    Quorum Sensing: Skin Flora Signal System

    Helena Nikonole, Lucy Ojomoko

    Nomination Quorum Sensing: Skin Flora Signal System project develops DIY approaches for modifying human skin microbiome in order to produce smells that can be easily detected to self-diagnose or prevent diseases. Moreover this project connects three kingdoms in a symbiotic relationship, uniting bacteria, plants, and animals (such as humans). By creating genetically modified skin microbiome…

  • SolarSoundSystem


    Cédric Carles

    Nomination http://www.solarsoundsystem.org As one of the projects of Atelier 21, Solar Sound System offers sound systems powered by the sun and bicycles for events, as well as an educative tool to introduce sustainability to the public. Thanks to its design, participants can enjoy music with 100% renewable energy generated speakers, turntables, and sound mixers. Since…

  • SpreeBerlin – The Voice of a River

    SpreeBerlin – The Voice of a River

    Jakob Kukula

    Nomination http://spreeberlin.de In the context of the climate crisis and the accompanying social change, the project examines the relationship between Berlin and the Spree, the urban space, the citizens, and the body of water. How can the river be given its own “political” voice and what can contribute to creating more awareness of the Spree…

  • Susceptible


    Anna Dumitriu, Alex May

    Nomination Susceptible is a data-driven interactive digital artwork based on cutting-edge research from CRyPTIC, an international consortium led by the University of Oxford. CRyPTIC’s research analysed thousands of images of the tuberculosis (TB) bacteria growing in the presence of different antibiotics. Researchers then combined that data with information about the whole genome sequences of those…

  • Symbiosis


    Polymorf in collaboration with Studio Biarritz

    Nomination A virtual reality experience that turns self-evident truths upside down How does it feel to be a slime mold? Or a toad? Or a plant? The virtual reality experience Symbiosis from the Dutch collective Polymorf is a unique experience for all the senses. Wearing a specially designed suit full of sensors, you temporarily escape…

  • The Glass Room: Misinformation Community Edition

    The Glass Room: Misinformation Community Edition

    Tactical Tech

    Nomination The Glass Room: Misinformation Community Edition is an interactive community engagement exhibition that invites people to think critically and proactively about their relationship with digital technologies. It is a space to reflect, discuss, and debate how technology impacts our daily lives and how we consume information, focusing on misinformation, political influence, and democracy. How…

  • Vertical Walking

    Vertical Walking

    Rombout Frieling

    Nomination http://www.rombout.design/verticalwalking.html Our European population is ageing and our cities have become denser and hence more vertical. Stairs require a lot of effort and can become a real challenge for people as they get older. Elevators seem to suggest that we have given up on finding new ways of using our body (other than pushing…

  • WITHER – A Slice of Rainforest Disappearing at the Rate of Deforestation

    WITHER – A Slice of Rainforest Disappearing at the Rate of Deforestation

    Thijs Biersteker

    Nomination The deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon continues at an alarming rate. In an ongoing partnership between the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and artist Thijs Biersteker, Wither is a slice of digital rainforest that disappears at the same rate as the Amazon rainforest. It updates every time new data is available,…