Chapter 2: Data & Code


Soft Wars – data, code and models that run our lives.

In the second chapter of the FOUNDING LAB Fall Term, “Data & Code”, students go through the entire life cycle of data under the guidance of Fellows Arianna Salazar Miranda, Roland van Dierendonck and Paolo Cirio.

Following the collection of traffic data in Linz, ethical questions about data protection and human involvement are raised. Innovative computer vision models are used to analyze traffic in detail, and in a workshop the students develop artistic, activist and political projects that make the entire data process an active experience. Intensive discussions about ethical challenges in the data-driven world promote a broad understanding of the responsible use of technology and information.

Hosted by Arianna Salazar Miranda, Roland van Dierendonck, Paolo Cirio and Catalyst Fritz Bachinger

November 8-11, 2023

Ars Electronica Blog: Soft Wars – Data, code and models that shape our lives