Roland van Dierendonck

Pronouns: he/him

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Roland van Dierendonck specializes in the interface between technology and society. He is senior researcher in the Responsible Applied Artificial InTelligence (RAAIT) project at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. There, he studies and tests methods for co-creation and co-design of responsible AI in living labs with learning communities, including stakeholders from industry, research, policy and society at large. His current interests include observational studies, Responsible Applied AI toolkits, and the role of art and design in the co-creation of ethical AI. Roland has a background in interdisciplinary sciences, media technology and bio-digital interaction research, and is pursuing a practice-based PhD at the Culture and Creativity Research Institute of Sheffield Hallam University, where he is making haptic and time-based tools, methods and artworks to interact with microbe movement and microbiome data in novel ways. Roland has led the BioHack Academy at Waag, has taught courses and workshops at multiple universities and art academies. He has contributed to, and written, multiple research articles and book chapters. His work has been exhibited internationally; his latest exhibitions include Caring Futures in Stavanger and Conversations in Practic/se at Yorkshire Art Space, Sheffield.