Zero citizen / Anna Galler (DE), Tara Hundertpfund (DE), Photo: Anna Galler, Tara Hundertpfund

Zero citizen

Anna Galler (DE), Tara Hundertpfund (DE)

Refugees are greatly suffering due to the EU’s asylum policy. State reception centers are overcrowded and poorly maintained, forcing them to create their own shelters in old ruins. Although aid agencies provide basic necessities, refugees still face violent attacks and abuse while crossing the Bosnian-Croatian border. This sleeping bag, created through a participatory process, represents the refugees’ experience of sleeping while on the run.

Anna Galler (DE)

Design plays a pivotal role in illuminating social precarity and enhancing political discourse. Anna Galler endeavors to deconstruct these intricate subjects through web design and motion design. I study communication design at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin.

Tara Hundertpfund (DE)

As a communication designer with a left-leaning perspective, my aim is to communicate progressive messages and drive social change. I believe that design can be a powerful tool in simplifying complex issues for better comprehension.