Digital Art Histories

Duration: 01/2020 – 12/2020

The funded project “Digital Art Histories” focused on the reappraisal and examination of the museum’s content in the period from 2009 to 2019 (including the “New Ars Electronica Center” in 2019). A second focal point was devoted to the topic of “Networked Archives. Including various requirement profiles (cultural organizations, collectors, artists, …), there was an exchange with other people from the art and media sector with regard to archiving and archive topics. Discussions included online archives and platforms, archiving standards, networking of archives, jurisdiction and responsibility, the role of the artist, and possible connections to the art market.

A blog post provides insight into the turbulent year 2020. Included there are, among other things, the video of the Networked Archives Panel, Raffael Lozano-Hemmer’s talk titled “Best Practices fort he Conservation of Media Art from an Artist’s Perspective, and images from the archive’s Mozilla Hub room during the 2020 festival. Also mentioned is participation in the Summit on New Media Art Archiving in the wake of ISEA2020.

The project “Digital Art Histories” is a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sports.